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Saturday, 30 August 2014


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Designer? Model? Vegetable enthusiast? (Hey, if you're going to tease, we have to amuse ourselves somehow!)

I know! You are going to give up all that modern colour stuff, and go monochrome. The site will be all different, with lovely pale grey shades for the background, and the text a lovely zone 1. The pool post photos will be a little harder to follow, but you can delight us with descriptions of photographer's work that tell us what colours the pictures have. : ]

She's going to be your assistant / deputy editor?

You're upping sticks and moving here. Am I right? I'll pop over and help with Lightroom—you'll never look back.

...Ailsa is not getting a new Miata...

Well of course not, Mike.

One would be better advised to purchase a pre-owned Leyland Motors Spitfire MK IV...in British Racing Green, of course...



Will Ailsa be relocating and work for TOP? Or head the UK branch? Or perhaps it involves romance? :)

Whatever the news about Ailsa, maybe now's a good time to tell us how to pronounce her name?

I wonder what it is! I always enjoyed Black and White Photography Magazine (mind you, I get to brag that one of my pictures was used for the Cover of issue No.64, Oct.2006...shot with my Mamiya 6, which Ailsa uses as well...)

There's going to be a TOP UK Readers' meeting in Brighton, with a beer break at the Craft pub, of course....

Whatever the news about Ailsa, maybe now's a good time to tell us how to pronounce her name?

Surely there is only one way.

Waiting for the news...

I still read B&W photography, but I feel it was better with Ailsa at the helm. So if she's contributing to TOP it can only be good!

Hmmm... Xander back at school; new digs settled into; some kind of assistant to keep things running?

Could this finally come to pass?

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