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Friday, 29 August 2014


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Any news on the "contest" related to the Keck print, and when you want us to send you test prints?

[I apologize for the delay on that, but it just has to wait until things get back to normal for me.

Sorry. The downside of being a one-man band--no flexibility. --Mike]

Got mine. It's terrific!

My copy is due in tomorrow, Saturday, and of course I'll be away in Harrisbug PA photographing a friends restored early 70's Firebird SD-455, whatever the hell that means. I am NOT a car guy. Anyway, my neighbors have promised to be around until it arrives and get it safely off my porch. That's good'cause if they couldn't Ken wouldn't be getting his car photographed!

The Lincoln memorial is a small gem. My concern now is to put it in its proper place. But in Normandie, the land of the Impressionists, we have lots of bay windows - the quest for the sun - and few walls!

My PA trip cancelled so I was home when my print arrived. This is my second WOW in one day. I'm going to have to remember on future print sales that the online photo won't do the real thing justice.

Everything is right about this one. Tone, balance, depth, cropping. My original thought about this version not coveying the sense of being there is out the window.

I've given the print to my my neighbor, who is one of the best framers around here, and told him to surprise me.

Thanks Mike for another great print offer.

Mine just arrived today and I am gratified to have it. My only regret is that I only ordered one copy as both my wife and I upon seeing it began to name a few people whom we know would love it. I realize the print sale is over, but how would one go about ordering additional copies?

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