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Saturday, 30 August 2014


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This IS lovely work.
The comparison certainly apt, too....

You can do a lot worse than sit around watching the light change.
I do it all the time, even forgetting to get a camera out.
That golden color after it stops raining in the early evening and the sun is still up?
The changes of color at dawn if you look away from the sun?

Be prepared for a lot of nasty black stuff to come out the first time you use the tub jets. Best to start a regular maintenance regimen. Here is one manufacturer's advice.


Her gallery 'Cowspines' is pretty wonderful too.


Those eight hours could have been filled with shooting a wonderful time-lapse sequence of shifting light in your never-to-be-empty-again abode!

You could have spent your time watching the paint dry. Oh, wasted day...

I'm sure I would have done the same, fretted over the lateness of the installer and my wasted time but, but, maybe sitting and watching the light change could have served the same purpose as that tree on the hill and the fluffy clouds?

[I did enjoy the break and the time for reflection. For about the first four hours. --Mike]

I had a look at Kate's work, and reluctantly returned to my chores. I'm going back for another look later. How nice to see unromantic photos of the English countryside, and all done with a kit lens, at least from what I read.

I've very sorry to hear that you went for UVerse. You're now saddled with a single-point-failure system that will afford you no access to needed first responders during extended power outages. Even if your home were equipped with an independent backup electrical generator.

It's sad that the rush to embrace new technology ignores how valuable some old systems were. Copper land line networks, with their autonomous power from central offices (including both battery and diesel generator backups), afford 99.999% reliability -- the "five nines." VOIP and cell approaches, all the rage, pale in comparison. They remain operational for only a matter of hours when utility mains power fails, even if one's cell phone or the backup battery in one's phone modem are fully charged. Land lines just keep on working, unless some regional apocalypse prevents delivery of additional diesel fuel to central offices.

Unfortunately, since there's been something of an exodus from copper land line service, the phone companies would like to completely abandon those networks. Thus far, regulators won't permit them to, but that might change. In the meantime, every incentive possible is being used for motivating consumers to give up copper permanently. Our friend Oren understands the ramifications. He deals with the limitations of DSL rather than switch to Verizon FIOS because that provider insists he would have to permanently abandon his Verizon copper land line and instead take VOIP telephone as part of the bargain.

I gleefully shred the endless UVerse junk mail AT&T sends to my physical mailbox day after day, while continuing to use the AT&T copper land line we've had since moving into this house 21 years ago. That is what I'll keep doing as long as the regulators don't capitulate.

Thanks for the Kate Kirkwood link. Lovely images and use of light. I'm with you, Mike...would love to see her work with FF, although my choice would be the Sony A7s for her low light work. Seems like that camera would be a perfect match for her.

Great work. I've always thought one shouldn't be afraid to let the shadows block up in colour photography, Rembrandt and Caravaggio weren't! This is one of the things that colour transparency film did well and it has been partially lost with the transition to digital, where the shadows can now be opened up so easily. For instance if you compare some of Joe Cornish's earlier film work (http://www.joecornishgallery.co.uk/gallery/item/gateway-to-the-moors-ii) with his recent digital output (http://www.joecornishgallery.co.uk/gallery/item/spring-newlands-valley), then while the digital has greater tonal range and subtlety, some of the depth of the film pictures has been lost. John Claridge is the master of deep shadows in colour of course.

Oh! Those white dots are sheep on a hill, not stars in the sky! I was trying to figure out what constellation was showing through slightly greenish clouds.

The "Light, landscape, lives" gallery is really extraordinary. Everyone should see it.

In regard to your footnote about "belittle", I am reminded of the following quote from Jebediah Springfield, the founder of the town depicted in "The Simpsons":

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."

[I do love the word "embiggen." --Mike]

Belittle? Is that the opposite of embiggen?

Very nice and refreshingly different from the norm, and thankfully she maintained a non-Flash version of her site. Unfortunately, I can't stand Flash driven websites and instantly go elsewhere when it is such a site.

Haha. She just got the white foot wrong.



I love the chicken picture; must look through her gallery tomorrow.

As for waiting for the Internet guy, I hate waiting like but don't you have wireless Internet for those situations, smartphone and all?

If you don't offer her work on TOP, shame on both of you.

Classical art styles being adapted to photography is interesting. Myra Wiggins did Vermeer. BTW, is "bored out of my skull" the equivalent of "thinking out of the box" ? Looking forward to the Lincoln photo arriving. CHEERS...

Embiggen is a perfectly cromulent word.

Go figure, this morning for no particular reason I pulled our copy of The American Language supliment one off the shelf and read about Jefferson and belittle. Also stumbled over a neologistic failure, "osteocephalic" which was supposed to replace "bone head" but never caught on. Just ahead of it's time says I.

Mike - there are worst things to do at a new site than to sit around and watch the light change...

Kate Kirkwood's photos are delightful, thanks for pointing to them.

Far worse days than sitting and watching the light change. I did little else today, really, and enjoyed it.

To the person talking about copper lines... There are none of those left in my area, aside from the switch box to condo in the complex. Everything else is optical fibre. And when there have been any problems, it's always been the copper lines with the problem. Such it is.

And here on Flickr:


Oh my, that made me laugh! I have to agree with you, though, that is the finest photo of a chicken that I've ever seen!

Didn't eight hours of observing that wonderful light make you want to choose that room as your TOP office instead of the basement which would serve as your printing and billiards room?

Thanks for Kate Kirkwood! The best of those are really fine, and the average is extremely respectable. She's also a fine example to wave at gear-heads -- taking pictures is actually a different activity than gear acquisition! Who knew?

In spite of the weakness of digital images (no grain and texture) as well as the unlikely location of a remote rural area, Kate has found her heart and expressed her love for her subjects extremely well in her lovely well seen photographs. Well seen and beautufully expressed.

I found that link to Kate Kirkwood's pictures what I wanted to respond to, even though I know the bother of waiting for a cable guy, or anyone else that has to break into one's day. However necessary it is!
Ms Kirkwood is ( another commenter used this highly appropriate expression) "WOW" on many levels! She's quite attractive, and young to show such a mastery of light is something!
I would use the word elegant for her work, my wife said whimsical, and 'dark' as well.
I looked several times, and will go back again as soon as my I Pad is charged. Its better if I sit in a comfortable chair, rather then squint at my computer screen.
But I do wonder, does she post process to any degree to get that look? Were any pictures set up; I'm thinking in particular those images that look like the animal is caught in car headlights. And should I care?
As I said, I'll be going back to her site, and maybe some of the answers are there if I look.
And Mike, thanks for the link. Even with just the "coffee" posts, your still the best photo blogger around;- in my humble opinion!

Kate Kirkwood's "rural street photography" is a great discovery - thank you! I think she is probably familiar with the work of James Ravilious, one of the first photographers to grab my attention...

re waiting cellular internet, a book, an audible book ??


Thanks Mike for the Kate Kirkwood link.

"Agricultural" is a favorite epithet used by Brit car reviewers when dissing an unrefined SUV. Kate's pictures of English rustic bliss puts paid to that.

I never would have thought that cow parts can be a wonderful subject or a natural frame for art photos.

Gainsborough meets Magritte.

I feel humbled.

Apropros the subject of image variations on different viewing mechanisms, I also had wondered what Constellation of stars was in KK's image (IPad). But when viewed on my Dell desktop screen they were obviously a "constellation" of sheep on a hill. Also, imagine the challenge to our black ink cartridges and printers in printing these. At least we wouldn't have had such a challenge with the old wet style printing :-)

Also, Mike, I think it pretty crafty of you to pick a Rembrandt painting which also had a chicken imbedded in it. (I would never have noticed/known without consulting Wikipedia)

In regard to your footnote about "belittle", I am reminded of the following quote from Jebediah Springfield, the founder of the town depicted in "The Simpsons":

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."

Why oh WHY descend into the trash with such quotes?

"...would be better served by a full-frame Canon with an L lens."

Why not Nikon?

This is a serious 'information' question, as they say - and not rhetorical.


I just sent the link you gave of Kirkwood's work to a non-photographer friend of mine (on the grounds that he is currently on holiday in the general vicinity of the Lake District).

His reply was thus:

"I think she must carry a chicken in her bag"

Thank you so much for bringing Kate Kirkwood's work to my attention. JacobT in his comment expressed how she captures the real sense of the place. I also live in North West England (although not the Lakes), and that's my feeling too - rural England in its real beauty and poetry, rather than some idealised version.
I also like the fact that she uses an 'old' entry-level SLR - very much a woman after my own (20 year-old OM4Ti using) heart!

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