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Monday, 25 August 2014


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Midcentury... hmmm not a descriptor I've come across in the UK. My own late 30s archetypal semi-detached house is furnished with "mid-century" Ercol furniture. Unfortunately my little blog about it, Ercolholics Unanimous,


is difficult to find by Googling which tries to direct you to Alcoholics Anonymous. Does Google think that drinkers can't type straight?

I draw the line at having a completely mid-century kitchen, (though I'm sat at a little Ercol Café table writing this.)

Good idea re: the mid-century decor. You could even pretend you were a prescient collector of photographs long before the market was there, putting on your walls various (copies) of the Edward Weston and Ansel Adams prints that you scored for $5-25 back in the 1950s!

Please tell Linda there are now at least two TOP readers who encourage you to set up your work space upstairs in the daylight with the magnificent quiet views.

We shouldn't forget that a house is above all a place to live. A historically important automobile (for example) is used as a daily driver only by people who don't require economical, reliable and comfortable transportation -- or XM Radio.

Being a slave to period furniture, mechanicals and appliances can be a substantial sacrifice.

I think you would really like my friend George's shop. Check it out here-
www.georgechampion.com Be sure to visit his modern shop.

I can understand the temptation. Fortunately, we bought a house that offers no such tempation. After looking at what seemed like countless houses, including a pre-1800 salt box in a historic district (which would have brought with it restrictions on what we could do in the way of repairs/upgrades), we ended up with a dutch colonial built in 1979 with vinyl siding, hollow core lauan doors and a carpeted kitchen; there's nothing authentic about it. That's very liberating, even if it lacks charm.

Hi, Mike!

Best wishes for you in your new digs. Just as an aside, your Monday coffee post is being read by us downuderers on, um, Tuesday. I guess we like to be ahead of your curve.

Your new house looks a good bit more livable / enjoyable. Congratulations on holding out for a place that clearly fits your needs and taste, and which is quite a good bargain to boot.

Great house, and wonderful things on the architect's website but, when I see photo essays of such architecture, it begs the question of who the current-day Lucien Herve might be....

The "settee" is pretty clearly "Danish Modern". An Italian copy?

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