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Wednesday, 25 June 2014


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Please do get out and away for a bit and have great time!

once a spider bit me on the toe!

Go out and take pictures then :)

I'll be checking in tomorrow, fully expecting a couldn't-stay-away post.

Are they fixing the 'Nieds de Poule'?
We live in Luxembourg and were driving into work one day when a traffic sign lit up warning of Nieds de Poule. My wife and I puzzled over this. We worked out that it was referring to chicken nests. Is it some environmental thing we thought. No, it wasn't. At work we found out that Nieds de Poule are pot-holes.

Watch the FIFA Cup while resting. The US team is great nowadays.

Mike, World Cup games, direct to your computer, no need to have a cable subscription (I know, because I don't, and I've watched quite a few matches!): WatchESPN.

In response to [Mike's] comment he doesn't have cable and is envious of those who do: You don't need cable to watch the World Cup in the U.S. - there is always good ol' Univision. I even enjoy their announcers more than the cable talking heads, even though I don't understand Spanish - they're more into the game.

Mike all you need is the internet. You can watch through ESPN3 or Univision.

Ahh, Univision is always there in a pinch. Even as a kid way back in the 1980's it was the only source for World Cup games back then.

Re: the cable thing and the World Cup. I don't have cable either but am able to watch the games on the local Spanish speaking network. As a bonus, their commentators are far more interesting when goals occur. GOOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!

Nope, WatchESPN only works for ISPs that pay ESPN a fat fortune, I believe (what it actually says is "affiliated"), and hence is unavailable to me.

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