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Sunday, 27 April 2014


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I decided to watch it, but i can't on my iPad.

Mike - It looks like your link is supposed to go to the 10 minute mark of the video? It doesn't work though, and starts at the beginning.

I did find the game you were talking about at the 10 minute mark. Very impressive work... they make it look entirely too easy.

Funny how many things in life, like a great pool stroke or golf swing, that look so completely effortless when executed by a master.

Nicely done. I'm not very good at the game, though I played enough of it for beer once upon a time. Still, I played enough to appreciate seeing it well played.

Thank you for sharing this, Mike.

Your links, to the 10-minute mark and the 57'15" mark, both worked fine for me. I was taught by my Dad, who was a classic, old-time hustler. He never got rich from it, but he made way more than his beer money. I've played LOTS of pool in my time (eight-ball and nine-ball, mostly)--enough to be really impressed by Django's play! Thanks for sharing this!

Alternative link that did work for me :


Somehow I find the balls going into and out of the pockets all the time in snooker rather off-putting. It's certainly a far more difficult game, and that should be an advantage for watching top players (but I certainly wouldn't want to play it myself).

You've probably already seen this, or seen the man before do them, but, just happened to find a link to this yesterday, and made me think of you.

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