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Monday, 28 April 2014


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They did it as a joke.

What do you mean? The poor guy is just trying the tiny little type on the ISO dial with his sunglasses on.

There is one with what is supposed to be a contemporary couple but they have a Super-8 movie camera.

Come on Mike, I'm surprised you didn't know this is the latest case for your iPhone.

Do you know I have sometimes used a Leica in this way, with the E39 lens poking through a wire mesh fence and me guessing the FOV just from camera orientation. But it's true, I wouldn't then be peering intently at the film reminder dial on the back, and I certainly wouldn't have carefully negotiated the nose of the collapsed lens through the fence. A couple of weeks ago I had my M9 on top of my head to get a better vantage over a barrier, but no-one's going to see that on a bus shelter ad any time soon.

..... or he is pondering which flash synch terminal he is to use.

An early selfie -

There is another good one on the opening splash screen of PS Elements 11. A guy is carefully framing the shot with a Mamiya TLR with the viewfinder lid closed. I think it's a C330 but I'll happily stand correction. It's a few years since I used one.

Maybe he's a kind person taking photos of tourists? Yeah right. That's what I've seen when I handed my camera (film cameras and DSLR's both) to someone for a photo of my wife and me. It's weird to explain they actually have to look through viewfinder and they can't comprehend. 2nd mistake, I have Leicas and it sure looks like a collapsed lens. Maybe he's a lover of nuthin' but bokeh, eh?

The hiring company name is Steria. Perhaps this photo is a nod to their dropped prefix - HY.

How about those many movies with scenes showing press conferences? All the photographers are clearly NOT photographers! Why is it so hard to make them look like they actually know what they are doing?

Or is it just that all professions are shown in a funny way in movies? I don't know much about music, don't know how to play an instrument. Is it the same with musicians? Or how about plumbers and carpenters?
Maybe the whole idea is not to show things how they are really done, just to illustrate something.

Jeepers, clearly, he's setting the ASA dial on the back of the M3 so the meter reads correctly. And, he's also using the DIN numbers.

That top image is, indeed, a Cole Haan ad. This same scruffy, sockless hipster is featured holding that camera in various scenes in the campaign.

(I'm going to imagine that Elliott Erwitt was not part of that shoot.)

Next year perhaps that same scruffster will be holding a Leica T!

These images reminded me of the following post showing people using their Leica M cameras:


Two messages from this post: Fuji = Leica & the optical viewfinder is so old school that it's pretty much invisible to most people now days.

I can't think of the product but there is a TV commercial like that which bugs the heck out of me every time I see it. Goes to show how effective their ad is.

In a similar vein, for the last several years one of the top two big box retailers has used a photo as the image inside their picture frames from 3x5 up to poster size of a "photographer" pointing and old Nikon F Photomic at you with his finger depressing the rewind knob as the shutter button!

A number of times I've seen people in commercials using view cameras with the image seen on the ground glass RIGHT SIDE UP, which invariably has me yelling at the TV "Noooo ..."

I'm crying here!

Of course 99.99% of the people who see the ad with the Leica won't see that there is anything wrong. The second photo, I think about 95% won't notice anything wrong ;)

Not like in the olden days when film was film, cameras needed winches to hoist, and people had sweat stains in their armpits. Vintage Photos of Photographers at Work: http://bit.ly/1ryk7An

Same with musicians. Pretty sure The Cantina Band in Star Wars IV were just actors miming...

How about this commercial where the models are pointing at the LCD...on the back of an M2 or M3. Or are they just having a bit of fun at the expense of the film reminder dial?


Great comments, and I also made analogy of these silly ads with movies. You know the one where there's a car or motorcycle chase scene, and the sound of the motor is virtually nothing like the actual sound of the motor of car or bike in the scene, and both have an infinite set of gears to shift through.

But there is no photographer to shake her eyes and roll her head (whatever) - from what I know about advertising photography, the magic happens in Photoshop post-production. In the first case, he was probably holding a smartphone, but the client rejected the shot and wanted more "classy" and "retro". What would you do, half a day before deadline? In the second case, the face, the camera, the hand and the view are probably just stitched together from stock photos.

Yes, it's the same with musicians.

Do you also complain about Picasso's one eyed paintings? This is art not reality. The Norwegian ad evokes the cyborg (and Picasso) - it's actually quite creative. The bigger question - why is the scruffy look so 'in'? Maybe you need a camera as an accessory to pull it off.

The first picture is the new collector's Retro version of the Leica T, to be released at Photokina at a 3x price premium. Rumour has it the name will be Leica Stellar.

Maybe the Leica has a digital back like my Olympus XA1 conversion

The Norwegian ad goes right past funny and a good ways into the insult to intelligence region. Really. I don't mean this at all as a general reflection on Norwegians either, as we Americans have operated at this infantile level in our advertising for some time now. At least we're not unique in this area!

The obvious point you make about the photographer taking the photo - I think in this case, I'd have to simply refuse to cooperate until the Art Dictator got it through his clearly thick head that this looks not only wrong, but completely asinine.

Seen too many stupids to worry about pictures like this. What I have done is enjoyed the cameras. Whether the M3 in your first image or the Signet in General Powell's teen-aged selfie, I find the tools themselves more fun.

It's like when I saw this image earlier tonight
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BmVfWrICYAEHxG5.jpg and the first thing _I_ saw was the Rolleiflex in Mr. Capa's hands.

Would that I could use mine even fractionally as well... :(

Sure enouth, the second ad with Mike's comment together made me roll on the floor.

I'm pretty sure the Norwegian ad is a "photoshop disaster" to match the tagline.

The hand and shadows around the face (and camera) suggest he was originally holding something on a stick like a magnifying glass. Plus, I doubt his expression would be so non-plussed having just crushed his frontal and maxillary bones with a Fuji.

I can't see the problem with the first picture - it's just another Leicaphile gazing at his precious......

What you mean he isn't hitting head?!

I've seen my fair share of horrors in entry-level drum kits ads. It seems that the art directors are more concerned with a nice composition than with how the drummer must act - but at least the "player" has the excuse of being a total noob at drumming...

What is that lens on that Leica M camera? Is that a reversed silver lens hood? What is it?

Also, thanks for the laughs, Mike!

Did they actually have the cameras on set or where they shopped in later??

In advertising, artistic license trumps all.

Blame the art directors, not the photographers.

IRL I've seen some strange camera grips, e.g.

Maybe he thought he was holding one of these,

For some reason whenever a Speed Graphic pops up in a movie it looks more authentic if it's focused at about six inches. I guess you need to see some bellows or it just isn't right.
Anyway, still folks shouldn't feel rained on here. Some times the way TV crews are portrayed is hilarious. I remember seeing a movie where they had a guy doing a live shot with a CP16 which is a film camera, nice trick.

Speaking of unusual camera handling...

It happens in golf too.

I saw an ad on the BBC news channell, intended for investors in an asian country I do not remember exactly: it features a caucasian person in various settings (business meetings, taxi, day out...). In one situation, the guy pulls out a camera and takes a picture. What's the point you may say? Well, he does so with his left hand. Being left handed myself, I'd really really want such a camera, which to the best of my knowledge, is still in Santa's territory...

Add the think bubble "It costs HOW MUCH?" and all becomes clear.

Other people, other than photography buffs, won't notice and, those who do, mostly won't care. I know I don't care if they advertise in this manner. And the rest of us shouldn't much care either, because it really of little importance, as it doesn't in the least affect anything.

Advertisers put cars on clouds and anyone who drives a Hummer would know that's pretty silly, yet we don't care do we?

I don't know, perhaps it is because I have never actually owned an M (and only tried one in a store), but what I see in the Youtube video is three girls taking a selfie -- not looking at the back of the camera. Note that the back of the camera is facing the viewer, not the women.

Speaking of musicians pretending to play their instruments, I still laugh every time I see this video of Nirvana "performing" Smells Like Teen Spirit on the U.K. TV show, Top of The Pops:


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