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Tuesday, 01 April 2014


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Olympus announces monochrome 6x7 sensor version of OM-D EM-5! Canon announces optical adapter for Nikkor AF-S lenses! New Lexmark 99" inkjet pigment printer uses Mason jars for ink storage!

Hopefully your whole kickstart thingie is successfull but not sooo successful that it goes to your head and you sellout to facebook for a billion dollars. Lol.

How's that for april 1 st?

Ps , it in fact happened to a company developing a VR headset.

Pss the robo screener is really difficult for those of us with cataracts.

Further you do know that the results of that robo screener are being fed into a machine vision system that evetually will be doing ... Camera reviews!!!

Just Announced: Canon EOS-1D W: The Professional DSLR Designed Specifically for Wildlife Photographers: http://www.the-digital-picture.com/News/News-Post.aspx?News=9393

Pioneer Press photo staff to shoot exclusively with iPhones: http://blogs.twincities.com/flashgarvin/2014/04/01/pioneer-press-photo-staff-to-shoot-exclusively-with-iphones/

Not surprised you received nuthin Mike. Jokes like that... we can't dig deep enough to match them!

NOKIA 3310 GETS 41-MEGAPIXEL, WINDOWS PHONE MAKEOVER: http://conversations.nokia.com/2014/04/01/nokia-3310-gets-41-megapixel-windows-phone-makeover/

Introducing the Kodak Picture Kiosk Drone: http://1000words.kodak.com/2014/04/01/introducing-the-kodak-picture-kiosk-drone/

What about this: Leica is finally joining Micro 4/3. A leak from their headquarters at Solms, Germany, revealed plans for an interchangeable lens body looking like a scaled-down M9. It will feature a hybrid viewfinder, shutter speeds up to 1/8000 and 8-axis built-in image stabilization.
Leica's lens roadmap was also leaked and showed a 14mm-f/1.8 Summicron is on its way, along with a 67,5mm-f/2.0 Apo-Telyt short telephoto lens, which is to be launched mid-2015. (Source: leicaleaks.org)
Stop drooling. It's April 1st.

I fell for the Canon EOS 1D W camera. It just seemed like something Canon would do, ya know?

Get a Pinto!

Hello Mike,

I just wanted to tell you that the link you have posted above, under featured comment by "Patrick Perez" is regarded as either extremely dangerous for people or hazardous for children or insulting for goats or ... whatever, here in my country. I have a screenshot ready, if you are interested (I guess it cannot simply be uploaded). I am surprised to see that you allow such material to be seen by people in others part of the world. Thanks god, we're protected!

[Bulent, Google "BBC: Spaghetti-Harvest in Ticino" and see if you can find it somewhere else. --Mike]

Start a new tradition. Update the original French version. Stick a paper fish on someone's back and take a "fishy" of it.

Here's a photography related one


The photography-related jokes this year have been -shall we say - rather unimaginative. Maybe it's better to remain silent. On the other hand, why not start a vicious report concerning a failed screw in the ring that holds in place the fourth element of a new, very expensive yet quite popular "professional" lens. This flaw would allegedly cause a graually deteriorating decentering issue. I'm convinced that within hours the relevant fora would swirm with acid debates between those who can confirm the issue, demanding the immediate replacement of all affected copies and those who can see nothing wrong with their photographs.

You woulda been shooting fish in a barrel if you had announced a 24 megapixel Black and White only camera.

I think the new April fools day joke is to announce something real that sounds like a joke.
I told you to wait with the Canon M15P-CL announcement.

Re: The EOS-1D W linked to by a previous poster:

If you purchase one, be careful where you might set it down, as the camouflage may hinder you from being able to find it again ;-)

After I read your joke I instinctively went for the Like button. DOH!

Just a brief note to thank Patrick Perez for sharing the spaghetti harvest video. I can't remember the last time I had such a laugh! :)

Sports flash! The Chicago Cubs sign a 19-year-old pitching sensation with a 130 mph fast ball.

With best regards.


How about the new Forensic+ tool added into Capture One v7 Pro:


Pretty cool - eh?


That's okay by me. I hate (as in HATE!) April fools jokes anyway.

After decades of joint research and development, Kodak and Fuji have just announced a series of extremely fine-grained 25600 ASA films. They are available as color negative, color transparency and B&W negative, and come in 8x10, 4x5, 120, 35mm, 110, 126 and APS sizes. There are strong and credible rumors that even Apple and Samsung are contemplating how to incorporate these films into their smartphones. Experts predict that these films will take the photographic world by storm and likely spell the doom of digital.

I'm sitting in my Ford dealer's waiting room while my oil is changed. I must share the Mustang joke; will the service manager be amused? We'll see...

[Hi Gary, great to see you're still reading. BTW you can blame the joke on Jimmy Fallon. It was in his monologue the other night. --Mike]

@Toto, it figures Kodak would release this new film and skip 620. What am I supposed to put in my Medalist? (which I don't own)


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