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Monday, 17 March 2014


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I like the Chainsmokers video (really, who goes out on Mondays?), and I have to get one of those T-shirts.

Maybe we don't, quite yet. Especially considering that 'Kodachrome' the song is as good in it's genre as Kodachrome the film was in it's.
I've been to a couple of Jay Maisel (who shot everything on Kodachrome) Seminars, and on one occasion specifically asked him about his Kodachrome to Digital transition.
Now Mr.Maisel does not do computers or electrical mail, so I was interested in his process. His answer was that his assistant sets up his Nikon for the exact look he wants, and he just shoots. Even, I believe, continuing his practice of a very narrow exposure bracket to control saturation the same way he did with Kodachrome.
I do not Speak for Mr Maisel and have no Idea if this is what he continues to do, but I thought it was interesting.
Now, modern cameras , (Fuji comes to mind) are getting accolades for their excellent film simulations, so I wonder if Mr Maisel's technique deserves a second look.
Personally, I haven't tried it, I shoot everything RAW and still shoot a tiny bit of Film. Thinking that Film is Film and Digital Simulations are, well..., just that. Perhaps I should have a more open mind.
Custom functions or user presets could be used as though you were changing film. This might be especially true if your style involved minimal post processing.
We could keep our 'Look' and our Anthem , we'd just have to look for new anthems for Velvia or Tri-X
I wonder what others think?

I thought that The Chainsmokers video was quite entertaining, poking fun at airheaded people.

After the Redeye Empire video I dug out my Led Zeppelin Mothership album. Volume up! A couple more tracks and I'll get to hear Ramble On again!

I've been taking frequent selfies since long before they were called that. Usually with a 24mm lens and Fuji slide film, usually at arm's length. It was easier in the film days because now I use a solidly built DSLR and a 16-50 zoom, which weigh about twice as much as the film camera and lens. I can hold the rig up, it's just pointing it in the right direction that's the problem.

Selfies with a fisheye lens are quite entertaining. Lovely perspective!

The Manic Street Preachers - yes, there used to be a band with such obnoxious name - have a song named 'Kevin Carter', from their 1996 album 'Everything Must Go'. It is not by any chance their best song, but it's a nice homage nonetheless. Both to photography and Kevin Carter.
You can watch their rather literal interpretation of the word 'shooting' here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLDr0QNCUd4
(Spoiler alert: the guy sings 'click click click click click' somewhere past the middle of the song...)

I've got one of these little cameras and can confirm that they are capable of very nice images.

Also from Camerapedia:

Kodak Ektar f/3.5, 44 mm., This 4-element Tessar type lens was supplied on the Kodak Signet 35, and was described by Anne Ruder in Modern Photography magazine as "comparable to lenses in the most expensive 35mm cameras". Kodak advertisements of the time claimed this lens was superior to the German lenses on their own Retinas. From the 1953 version of Kodak Data Book - Lens, Shutters and Portra Lenses, "This four-element completely Lumenized Ektar lens, especially designed for the Kodak Signet 35 Camera is one of the finest lenses ever produced for a miniature camera, regardless of price. Black-and-white negatives are crisp and needle-sharp, capable of being enlarged many diameters without loss of detail. Kodachrome transparencies have greater color purity and saturation than ever before. Focusing is consistently accurate throughout the entire focusing range from 2 feet to infinity. The lens mount is supported by 50 ball bearings, working smoothly and accurately at all seasonal temperatures."

On a similar note, you need to see this one (if you haven't already): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn-dD-QKYN4
Check the original by Nickelback, too. For reference.

Stanley Kubrick did (a) mirror selfie(s).

*mic drop*

Check out Hayseed Dixie if you like cover bands; I've seen 'em live 3 times.
"Ace of Spades", "Detroit Rock City", "Whole lot of Rosie", etc
Bluegrass Rock fusion.
best wishes phil

In 60+ years of picture taking, the only selfie I ever did was when I needed a new picture for my passport renewal. That was enough. Can't afford to break my cameras.

Doubtful that any song will top "Kodachrome" but if you are looking for a more modern ode to photography, circa 2005, don't miss Spoon's "I Turn My Camera On".


Another questionable photo related song; a questionable cover titled 'Polaroid' by the incredible Solange on the excellent Boards of Canada track, 'Left Side Drive.'


One of the first selfie must be the one you wrote about on September 20, 2011 : Hyppolite Bayard as a drowned man in 1840.

Not about selfies, but I think this is a pretty good parody of Nickelback's song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn-dD-QKYN4

Going through my contact sheets last week and found this of Jean Pigozzi

and some guy, at ( I think ) a Light Gallery party for "Pigozzi's Journal of the Seventies" in 1979.

If I could find the negative it would look better no doubt, but not bad for a 35mm contact.

I've always been fond of the song, "Popsicle Toes" by Michael Franks. Came out about the time I got married and perfectly fit our life and lifestyle of the time.

I don't know of any relevant movies, but I'm kind of hoping we see a movie one day with the line, "Pixels! We don't need no stinking pixels."

I think I'll stick to Kodachrome by Paul Simon, thank you very much!

As a WG of a CA and an avid LZ fan, I thought 'sacrilege'... and then I listened/watched it. Really cool, man, like....wow..!

"Picture Book" by the Kinks...too on the nose? I love that tune.

I could also add my brother-in-law's band (The Young Fresh Fellows) cover of the Kink's "Picture Book" as a photo related song. The video made it into the MTV video rotation in the early 80's. (My wife is the older child in the picture at 24 seconds in). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd4Jjcw9xeM&feature=kp

imo that cover of ramble on is not cool it's sanitized neutered crap . . . . .

[Is not. --Mike]

And yet, #SELFIE has over 19 million views on youtube (though I guess about half of those have come straight from TOP) ;)

The original Old White Guys did reunion tour a few years back. It wasn't all terrific but "Kashmir" was a real standout.


Some of the songs are pitched down a bit to accommodate Plant's voice. It's interesting that some people don't notice this just like some people don't notice different color light sources (until you point it out).

Beautiful song with photographs in it: Neil Young's On The Beach, from the album of the same name.

I don't know, Mike ... after Dread Zeppelin, everything else is a struggle.

Here is my late entry photo-song, by the redoubtable Kris Kristofferson. It's from 2007, already a while back, and I say he kills it here, with old school cowboy chords and a harmonica. Writer of "Me and Bobby McGee", "Loving Her Was Easier" and "Sunday Morning Coming Down"... just standing there on a summer night, singing a song. I can't get this out of my head. Don't really want to.


Re: #selfies, it seems to me that you your writing interests might be doing circles over the years. I was just revisiting your old site and... well, your FIFTH post since launching T.O.P. was about... Icelandic self-portraits.

See: http://theonlinephotographer.blogspot.com/2005_11_01_archive.html


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