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Thursday, 06 March 2014


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Such a sad story...

I don't know how often we have to hear the message "stay off the tracks" until it sets in our consciousness. Failing to get permission or establish appropriate filming permissions with security is at the very least, irresponsible. I don't know about negligent homicide, but its remarkably irresponsible of whomever the director was.

If I read the article correctly, it sounded like though this was a low budget production, it was a union one. It is sad that the various trades unions didn't insist on the proper safety protocols be followed. Not that I'm blaming the unions. If anything, I suspect the reason they didn't speak up (and maybe they did) is that they feared repercussions/retribution.


This is a tragedy for two crews, the film crew and the train crew.
The crew in the cab will have to deal with this for a lifetime and that's a tragedy too.

I'd say that given that the errors here were made by people whose job it was to ensure permission and safety, some of whom for-sure knew that what they were doing was stupidly dangerous, that this meets the standard for negligent homicide.

Especially since this article makes it clear that the filming was on a bridge. If this was regular, flat ground I can see SOME reasoning to think that "Oh, it's easy to get off the tracks," but here it absolutely was NOT easy to get off the tracks.

SOunds like a few people tried to work around barriers that were set up to protect them.
The lawyers are going to have their work cut out for them trying to protect the production company and the insurance company, if there is one.

This kind of thing only happens to other people... until it happens to you.

I still don't understand how you can get worked up about taking pictures on train lines and at the same time endorse taking pictures whilst driving.

With all due respect to the religious beliefs of everyone out there, putting willingly yourself and other 19 people in a situation where your careless behaviour and ignorance of proper safe measures could have terrible consequences, and then praying the Lord for protection is total absurdity. The burden of that injuries and death should be all on the shoulders of the participants.

It is interesting that the crew apparently felt that standard safety precautions were absent before the incident, yet still felt obligated to carry out the shot. Is the cinema-industry employment situation so bad in USA that you are too scared not to work, even when you think you may well be killed? That in itself is scary. Worryingly, if the crew felt unsafe yet worked anyway (hence knowingly taking serious personal risk) then does this affect the liability of the management?

And you so often warned us of the risks ...

The headline reminds me of another aspect of the story, though. If they'd spent a few minutes in thought and discussing standard safety rules instead of praying for angels to save them, this whole thing might have been prevented.

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