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Friday, 21 February 2014


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"Wow" indeed. Extraordinary photographs on several levels. Bouvet's photograph #36 with the torn-up paving stones littering the foreground created an immediate flash-back to the cannonballs in Roger Fenton's famous Crimean War photograph "The Valley of the Shadow of Death" … and, sadly, to lyrics of Pete Seeger's "Where Have all the Flowers Gone" — when will we ever learn?

I've seen a lot of press images from Kiev depicting elderly woman and other "ordinary" folks but then on the other hand I've also read that the front liners are actually right wing extremists and neo nazis. Unsettling to say the least.

Looks a little like Les Miserables come to life.

"I've also read that the front liners are actually right wing extremists and neo nazis." That's the propaganda Moscow and the Ukrainian government is putting out to the west.

To the people in the Ukraine and Russia? There they're calling the protesters Jews...

It's unsettling alright but not necessarily for the reasons we first think.

There are many possible, mostly sad, reasons for that nearly 1000 meter stare on the gentleman's face. It's an exquisite, if painful, capture. I hope he survives and that life gets better for him and his loved ones.

The ways things are headed we might be able to take those photos here in a few years.

#21 stopped me in my tracks. We seem to be enured to photos of refugees, barricades, wounded, even bodies but the unseen agent of death is more terrifying as depicted here.

I'm struck with wonder at the courage of the people in Kiev. To face up to bullets day after day, week after week and keep standing their ground. I salute them.

It's all very well for everyone to say "Well done, Ukraine", and congratulate them for choosing to move towards the EU and NATO, and break ties with their neighbours - geographical, historical, and cultural. But I'm far too cynical not to wonder: who says they can't have both? Why are the people of Ukraine, and the rest of us being told it must be one way or the other? Who gains from this false dilemma? What do they gain? Important questions, methinks.

"Heartbreaking?" That wouldn't be the word I'd choose. Maybe "inspiring?" These people, tired of peaceful efforts that got them nothing, took to the streets, and now the latest news is that the President has run away. Sometimes victories come at a cost. Fortunately, there are people willing to pay.

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