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Monday, 04 November 2013


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These are some really uplifting photos. Real life beautifully presented, no artifice. This is the kind of look I try to achieve in my own photography, but Ben pulls it off way better than me.

"You should never mix color with black-and-white"??!!!??!?
And why not?? properly done, it can provide an emphasis, or a change of perception, which can really up impact.

Some lovely pictures, with a very serene feel to them. Makes me wish that I had taken more of my kids. Hope none of them end up being ripped off for some obnoxious ad campaign.

I've already seen his photos, from his link on the David Hufford item. I am usually not too interested in other people's pictures of their child, but I found that these were well worth looking through.

We're seven weeks out from our due date for our first kid, and needless to say, having a child is not one of the things that I've ever wanted. Seeing these photos (on his flickr feed) as well as other photos from dads and moms, (when done well, which is not often) is probably the factor that is aiding most in my acceptance of and excitement for becoming a dad.

Oh, and why shouldn't we mix black and white and color?

For those that don't recognize it as an error message (it's a 4xx number like 404) is described in RFC 2324 ("Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol").


Released April 1, 1998. :-)

Hey, nice going, Ben!

Good stuff Ben, and thanks Mike. What it's all about really.


Nice stuff, Ben! Way too much to look at at once. Greetings from a sort of neighbor. I'm a life long Berzerkely resident who raised my boys here.

"You should never mix color with black-and-white, but he does, so I will too."

Also a bi-coastal mix, as you've followed a color shot in Berkeley with a B&W one on the Brooklyn riverfront. Looks like just upriver from the footings of the Brooklyn Bridge, near DUMBO.

If you get homesick, here's my photo essay Three Days in Brooklyn.


"You should never mix color with black-and-white"

... I think Mike has lots of rules around B&W ;-)

In this case it works well ... it must be the contrasty B&W amongst some quiet colour photographs. I'm sure a low contrast B&W amongst over-saturated colour would stick out.

Totally OT: Is Ben Rosengart aware that Rosengart was an automobile manufacturer in France?

A charming example =


The history of the brand =


Lucien Rosengart =




How refreshing!

Among what I learned from Ben is to not delete all those emotionally great shots just because they might be a bit out of focus or blurry (or otherwise technically imperfect).

Hi Moose! I moved to SF this year to be closer to my job, but I miss Berkeley and still visit often. And yeah, I'm from NYC. That photo is from my sister-in-law's wedding, which she held in Brooklyn Bridge Park.

Hi Jean-Louis — yup, I know about Rosengart cars — as far as I know, we're not related, though.

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