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Wednesday, 30 October 2013


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How about a TOP print sale with that photo of Cartier-Bresson and Koudelka with Mitrovic?

Love that sailboat (not that the others ain't great)!

Congratulations on the e-commerce website. Looks great and takes you to the next level with style.

This could be my bid to win the Stupidest Comment Of The Year (SCOTY) award, but here it goes:
I'm not ordering any of these prints. They're excellent, of course, but they fail to convey me 'that something'. However, I'd gladly pay the price of the three prints for one of Turnley's picture with the kids inside a car trunk. (Which I believe also features in Turnley's book.) It's my favourite among Peter Turnley's photographs, though I'm willing to concede it may not be his best.
Secondly, my brain almost exploded when I saw two of my favourite photographers in the same picture - Josef Koudelka and Henri Cartier-Bresson. My first photography book was a small album of Josef K.'s pictures; it was a birthday gift from a close friend. The little album, which is a french pocket edition, made quite an impression on me. It was really nice to see these two geniuses together.

My order is being placed Friday morning as soon as a bank deposit clears!
Very excited about the book (3 books now actually), the photographer, the prints and the printer.

I wish I'd been aware of TOP when the second Turnley print sale occurred. The ones being offered for this sale are beautiful and fitting but the ones offered in II really knock me out.

Oh well, I just have to make sure to read TOP every day of my life....;^)


Mike, I ordered a print and the e-commerce site seemed to work fine. Maybe you would like a job in Health and Human Services?

Handsome portal, Mike.

Tight but airy layout. Got TOP's distinct livery, too. Which give it a classic look: minimalist and traditional at the same time.

I also googled topprintsandbooks. Guess what? It returned only one result: The TOP e-portal itself!

Unfortunately, I couldn't give it a test drive. Can't afford a lens and a print between now and Christmas. Which gives away the stage of photography I'm at now. (sg)

But I'm definitely going for the book.

Congratulations, Mike!

The store seems to be working - I had some difficulty using my Australian credit card, so fell back on PayPal and a Canadian credit card. I'm probably your worst case for complexity...

Mike, a question on ordering. To get the three print discount does it have to be one print each of the three pictures or can it be three prints of one individual picture?

Thanks, Bob

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