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Monday, 28 October 2013


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One of my top memories is seeing Lou Reed with Dr. John on Halloween night, sometime in the 70's, in Milwaukee (!). Dr. John had some sort of glitter cannon and kept blowing it off, and we were in the third row, so we were covered with the stuff, it was in my closet and in my car for years afterward. Lou was supreme, and I shot some transparencies of him doing "Heroin". I'd scan one and send it, but it's at the bottom of my storage space (heated and air conditioned, or course).

He had three photo books; that said, he was a one of a kind artist whose musical accomplishments and cultural contributions are, as they say, the stuff of legend.

A nice interview from CBC's Q with Jian Ghomeshi from 2010. http://www.cbc.ca/q/blog/2013/10/28/so-long-lou-q-essay-and-archival-interview/#ARCHIVE

I saw him play at Rutgers in 1974 or 1975. He was great in a small hall. Wish I had seen him again.

Saw Lou Reed at Manchester Polytechnic (UK) in 1972, shortly before he started recording Transformer in London. My memory of the event is that his act consisted of a lot of unfamiliar songs, which I now take to be songs for Transformer, then he went off and came back and did a blistering VU set as an encore. The encore is 'available for download' though misattributed as the set itself.

I was really saddened by this news. He is one of my favourite musicians.

I always had Mr. Reed in high esteem as a musician - IMHO his "Lulu", recorded with Metallica, is a little masterpiece. Now I want to know him as a photographer.

Hi Mike,
That made me sadder than I thought it would. Transformer was owned by all the serious musos I knew.
You might not know that it was used as a promo by the BBC in '97 (having featured in the film 'Trainspotting' – one of my all-time favourites), and was then released as a single in aid of the BBC's 'Children in Need' charity; 3 weeks at No. 1 and over £2 million made for the charity;

Performed by Lou and lots of stars.
I hope it makes No.1 again now.

Best wishs phil

Lou Reed's work with the Velvets remains some of the greatest rock music of the era and stands up today - every single album - as superior to most of their contemporaries, including the biggest Big Names. Of course John Cale and the rest of the band were an inherent component of what made them great. I doubt that any other band has been so consistently influential in the following decades.

De mortuis nihil nisi bonum notwithstanding, his recorded solo work is hugely inferior and some of it just plain awful.

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