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Monday, 14 October 2013


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I suppose it could be said that Sony or Pentax have achieved a 35mm IS lens by way of there in body stabilization, Sony being the full frame example. I am still very curios to see how these latest primes with IS perform while shooting video (I know not a video site). I still maintain that designing these primes with IS are because of the popularity of DSLR cinematography.

I'm glad to see the prices for the trio of lenses has fallen from their absurdly high $800 mark to a more "reasonable" $550. The original 24mm f/2.8 and 35mm f/2 are my two most used primes on an APC-C camera and I'd love to replace them with IS versions, but alas budget, etc...

But Mike, if you buy it, you'll have to buy a Canon to use it on.

[Au contraire. I have a Canon. A film one. In the closet. --Mike]

"Sometimes works"


I've not a bought a lens in the last six years ( 5 for a camera ). Last one I bought was a 35mm F/1.4L, and I like to think that's because I'm a master with that lens, but it's probably more to do with it being the last time I had any money.

What an hr that was

I brought this in replace of the 1.4 50mm. Reason being for the IS. Besides, I have the 25mm 1.4 for my GX7.
I love the 35mm on my Canon 6D the photos look better than any camera I ever owned

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