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Tuesday, 10 September 2013


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My Amazon order has been in place since June. It is still showing as "Not Yet Shipped", with a delivery expected by tomorrow. I haven't received a cancellation yet, but I note that they are no longer showing it available from Amazon directly.

PS: placed my pre-order for the E-M1 thru your B&H link!

Received my "Here Far Away".


Many thanks for the recommendation.

Oh - got it from Book depository...

If I remember correctly, Here Far Away was forty-something dollars, but now it is $58.80. That could be why Amazon cancelled the orders.

[No, that "$58.80" is just the lowest price it's available for from a third-party vendor, standard operating procedure for any out of print book from Amazon. It's not a regular price of any sort. The question is, rather, why are the people who have been standing in line the longest not being served first with the available copies of the Second Edition? It's not in line with Amazon's usual policies and it also doesn't seem, well, fair. --Mike]

My copy arrived today - worth the wait, thank you
Mike W

Got mine as well from Book depository. But sadly it has a defect. Most pages have a kink in the upper right corner. I sent back snapshots. They offered a 25% refund. Now I seem to be left with a 'defective' book at 75% of the price. I've asked them reconsider.

I gave up on Amazon, ordered through The Book Depository, and as soon as I had the shipment confirmation in hand, cancelled my Amazon order. Can't wait to see the book! It was $13 less expensive too.

The new Olympus is exactly what I've been expecting and waiting for since I sold my E-5. Time to put in my order...

An interesting aspect to the newest Olympus "mirrorless" design is that it offers two autofocus designs, one for the M43 lenses (contrast detection) and one for the older 4/3 designs (phase detection at predetermined spots in the field). So the favorite lenses from the larger, older line of cameras have a new life ahead of them. There's a 4/3 to M43 adapter in the plan with the electrical connections to make this happen.


I purchased my copy of Here Far Away from the Photographers' Gallery in London. They still had 6-7 copies remaining. The vendor mentioned that next month they're having a Pentti print sales opportunity in the book shop's side room...and...they're also expecting a book signing event, by the very man himself.

I could order directly from Amazon Germany on Saturday. The book was shown as in stock and shipped last night. So for German, or even European readers, that's also an option. They appear to have five still in stock as of now:


Now here's to hoping the flimsy sort of packaging they've been using for the last two years won't let the book have gotten damaged in transit…

I've had good luck with MozBackup, which saves all of your Firefox customizations in a file, and lets you bring them back. It hasn't been updated since 2008, yet it still seems to be effective as of a few months ago, and indeed, the project page says 13,000 downloads this week, which is pretty good for 6 year old software.

Link to MozBackup project:

p.s. I also like the "Extended Service Release" version of Firefox, which does fewer UI changes, and mostly focuses on security bugfixes. Link:

[Thanks very much Will! --Mike]

It never crossed my mind ordering a spanish version of the book. As per other member's recommendation in a previous post, I ordered from Amazon Spain yesterday and the book was shipped today (apparently only 2 left in stock). I have no intention of cancelling my initial (june) order with Amazon via TOP's link, it will be interesting to see how much longer it takes, but in the event that Amazon cancels my order or fails to serve it, at least I'll have the spanish version to enjoy...

Amazon cancelled my order and I wound up buying from Book Depository (and my order shipped today!).

I'm not happy about the markup over my pre-order price, but I really _need_ this book. Not want, need. The photos I've seen online are candy for the eyes and nourishment for the soul.

I can only think of a handful of artists whose work has grabbed me like that.

I ordered Here, Far Away via Amazon UK (and your links) on Sat. 7 Sept. At that time it was marked as "in stock, but might take 2 more days." I received confirmation of order dispatch on Tue the 10th, expecting it on Thursday or Friday!

I have been notified by Amazon.UK that my copy of Here, Far Away, that I ordered in January, had been dispatched. To my previous address in Indiana. I am hoping that it will be successfully forwarded.

Unfortunately the SFO's track record is rather less than spectacular, which probably means a lengthy, unproductive prosecution at great taxpayer and corporate expense with little meaningful outcome. God bless the lawyers!

Typical. I have on order a Canon 70D so that I have a 2nd body for my Canon system capable of taking video with accurate continuous focus using their new focus system.

The weak point of my Olympus EM-5 is continuous focus, which has prevented it being my primary camera, but otherwise it's great.

Now (allegedly) the EM-1 addresses that weakness, and ticks lots of boxes for me

So now I'm in a quandary - do I go Olympus as my main system (with those stunning 4/3 lenses now available to me) or stick with Canon. A crystal ball would be very useful right now!

I got my copy of Here Far Away yesterday from The Book Depository. Even though I'm far away here in Australia.

Fantastic book! Thanks for the recommendation - instruction, actually - to get this book.

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