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Wednesday, 11 September 2013


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I well and truly hate being broke. No snark or anything else, the print sounds a delight and I have no doubt that it will pain me even more than Paula & Michael's prints or even Ctein's did to walk away from. At least I have a shooting job (non-paying for my church) tomorrow.

I can't wait to see, Mike. This might be the jumping-of point for me to start getting in on these print sales. :)

This is potentially a really exciting sale. JP Caponigro has been by far the most influential online instructor and (contemporary) author of photography guides I've seen.

He has truly exceptional videos on color theory and how to apply it. This should be no surprise given his colorful photography, but he can also do training.

What a great idea. I venerate Paul Caponigro and have always consider him a contemporary conduit to the meditative imaging approach of his friend Minor White. I have a number of his monographs and one is signed which makes it much revered.

Come to think of it, how come Minor White is so overlooked these days?


I think I need to stop reading your blog, Mike. I now have prints and books I never would have bought otherwise. It's getting expensive.

Methinks this is a "first world problem."

This sounds just wonderful, thanks for setting this up.

Paul Caponigro has always been one of my favourite photographers. Particularly his 'Trees, Redding, CT.' It will be interesting to see what you've come up with.

Appreciation of Paul Caponigro's vision is just in a lull, that's all. He is one of the subtle greats, and opinions on his work will rise over time. There's no way I can ever get the image of his running white deer out of my head. Once you've seen it...

Kind of lost me at iPhone, but I pride myself on being open minded. I'll be anxious to see what Sunday brings, along with your first review of the iPhone as camera.

This is intriguing ! I'm more familiar with the son's work. I so wish, though, that he didn't use his middle name ... makes it hard to find out about his father on google !

The story of the tree reminded me of another famous tree that figures in a good friend's life. Bruce Humphrey, a fine photographer and the man who hired me as a newspaper photographer when I was only 16 years old (in later years I always pointed out that he was the one who "ruined" my life), lived in a house in Newark, Ohio, that had in the back yard the clump of apple trees that was the scene of one of Clarence White, Sr's. more well known photos. When Bruce lived there the trees were very old and at the point that they had to be cut down. I always thought it was fitting that that inevitable chore fell to a photographer who understood what he was removing from the landscape.

If anyone is motivated to come to the UK and photograph Stonehenge be aware that the crowds are monstrous and these days you can't actually get very close to the stones themselves.

However, all is not lost. There are other amazing standing stones all across the British Isles, where you'll likely be the only person there and you're very welcome to get as up close and personal as you wish. Many, in my view, are more visually arresting than Stonehenge itself. In fact there are neolithic landscapes just a biscuit toss from Stonehenge which are often deserted. This is one of those subjects where it really pays to take the road less travelled.

In about 2001, I was working for Kodak, and most of my annual training time that year was spent in a three-day 'voice of the customer' seminar with both Paul and john Paul. Inspiring, to say the least. EK printed up a poster with an image by each of them, and a signed copy still hangs, framed, over my desk. So it will be very interesting to see the TOP print offer...

I commented in reply to a post a while ago that Jay Maisel represents everything I'd like to be as a photographer. John Paul is sort of everything I have no hope of being ! I've watched him speak on TED. I just don't have anything like that kind of creativity; the ability to preconceive a photo; to keep concepts in mind and look for pieces of it over time and put it all together digitally. Some of his iPhone work can be seen here:

I'm looking forward to seeing how the two photos are presented together.

That's a beautiful poster, Mike. Quiet and elegant.

The photo looks like the double square (2:1 ratio) 6 x 12 format (56 x 112 mm) that I achieve with a Horseman roll-film back on my 4x5 Cambo Wide DS. It's my favourite format. Do you know if Paul used a 6x12 back or is it a fortuitous crop from 4x5?

[Hi Rod, I'm pretty sure it was 5x7. --Mike]

Paul Caponigro? I'm in, sight unseen! He has been an enormous influence on me. Will Paul be printing his image?

Yes, I think you're right, Mike. I found the same photo on the Photography West Gallery website, and it's a little short for 6x12. 5x7 has a ratio of 1.4. The photo on your poster is 1.68, but others on the page are 1.45. So Paul must have cropped the height of your poster picture down.

What a great idea, Mike! I met Paul in 2009 during JP's week-long workshop Illuminating Creativity. Paul is very easy to talk to as is JP. I never thought creativity could be taught, but JP proved me wrong! A chance to own a piece from each artist during this offer: priceless! Thanks for the opportunity!

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