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Wednesday, 24 July 2013


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I think TOP needs to hire an IT Manager before the new hardware arrives.

It may be apropos of your previous column.
Computer horsepower helps quite a bit with 'unintentional multitasking'
Your stated intension to replace your aging iMac with 2 machines is a wise one. A business should always have a back-up.
But one word of caution on the mini. It's a great little machine with one glaring exception -an under powered and non upgradeable graphics card. Driving a large display and image editing may be a bottle neck for a mini.
An iMac usually ends up being cheaper and more powerful than a mini and a 27" display.
Based on history the current mini is 3/4+ through it's life cycle, so as others have recommended , I'd wait, and maybe the new one will offer a better graphics option.

A bond trader I know, has ten (10!) windows open on three screens. Always. And important stuff happens on all of them. Constantly.

Nobody born after 1980 can see a problem with this.

[Ten? I'll bet I sometimes have 100 windows open...on my computer. In my mind, not so many, but many more than 10.

"Too many balls in the air" is all I'm saying. --Mike]

Dear Mike,

I typically run with 50 windows open, give or take a dozen.

Probably half of those are in my word processor, where any documents relevant to current work are always open. My near-minimum configuration for day-to-day work has word processor, email, web browser, spreadsheet and finder all running simultaneously.

I don't count individual tabs in the web browser as separate windows. There's easily 60 of those.

pax / Ctein

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