Here's my problem. I've got too many windows open. In my brain as well as on my computer desktop!
Apropos of nothing. (Actually, apropos of the fact that my outgoing email hasn't been working for some time now. Unbeknownst to me. Sorry to multiple correspondents.)
Ignore me.
Carry on....
Mike, TOP's Outgunned and Undermanned IT Dept.
I think TOP needs to hire an IT Manager before the new hardware arrives.
Posted by: Dave in NM | Wednesday, 24 July 2013 at 07:16 PM
It may be apropos of your previous column.
Computer horsepower helps quite a bit with 'unintentional multitasking'
Your stated intension to replace your aging iMac with 2 machines is a wise one. A business should always have a back-up.
But one word of caution on the mini. It's a great little machine with one glaring exception -an under powered and non upgradeable graphics card. Driving a large display and image editing may be a bottle neck for a mini.
An iMac usually ends up being cheaper and more powerful than a mini and a 27" display.
Based on history the current mini is 3/4+ through it's life cycle, so as others have recommended , I'd wait, and maybe the new one will offer a better graphics option.
Posted by: Michael Perini | Thursday, 25 July 2013 at 09:42 AM
A bond trader I know, has ten (10!) windows open on three screens. Always. And important stuff happens on all of them. Constantly.
Nobody born after 1980 can see a problem with this.
[Ten? I'll bet I sometimes have 100 windows open...on my computer. In my mind, not so many, but many more than 10.
"Too many balls in the air" is all I'm saying. --Mike]
Posted by: Speed | Thursday, 25 July 2013 at 02:03 PM
Dear Mike,
I typically run with 50 windows open, give or take a dozen.
Probably half of those are in my word processor, where any documents relevant to current work are always open. My near-minimum configuration for day-to-day work has word processor, email, web browser, spreadsheet and finder all running simultaneously.
I don't count individual tabs in the web browser as separate windows. There's easily 60 of those.
pax / Ctein
Posted by: ctein | Thursday, 25 July 2013 at 11:00 PM