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Tuesday, 30 July 2013


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Food is everything.

At risk of getting all "foodie," I'm curious: just a pile of beans twice a day or do you have them *with* something? Are they boiled, steamed, roasted? Butter or olive oil? Plain? Creamed?(Please say no!) Done up in an omelette or frittata?

You can email some of them--on their mobile phones.

I'm 49 and I still detect a bitter taste in most vegetables. Maybe that's a sign of immaturity.

[Or youthful vigor. --Mike]

I notice that the portable propane tanks are starting to sprout around Albuquerque. That means that green-chile-roasting season is nigh.

Oh, and pics please...

In SC, it's fresh strawberries in early June. For three weeks, we had strawberry shortcake every day.

A quick inter-naught surf shows that, naturally, kids' taste perception and development is a tricky and complex subject.

What I can say anecdotally though, is that I was amazed when my then very young daughter repeatedly helped herself to some of my spicy palak paneer one day. Didn't last though, and now she can taste the spices and will only eat very mild butter chicken (as far as curry is concerned I mean of course).

Bugger, now I'm all hungry for curry. Here's some nann recipes if anyone's interested.

I don't know what religion they are but red bell peppers are extraordinarily cheap down here at the moment: $2 a kilo.

Must be a bumper season.

I've stuffed 'em, mushed them into muhammara, put 'em in salads and run out of ideas.

Guess I'll just have to photograph them and seek critiques.

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