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Monday, 15 July 2013


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Mike, I have lists for various destinations. These are rtf files on my lapdog. I have my annual holiday by the ocean list, my family beach house on the bay list, my Sydney or other major nearby city list, my overseas travel list. The most comprehensive list is the one for the annual holiday: because I can take the car I have two tripods, Rolleiflex gear, film Leica gear and small digitals and my Olympus Mju for the beach. There's repair tools, summer and winter clothing, right down to which pairs of socks. My most exacting list is the Sydney list as that's to trim down to carry-on only. I now never forget my toothbrush, spare razor blades, spare spectacles, spare batteries, battery charger, phone charger etc. No list is fully implemented until there are a series of check marks against each item.

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