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Monday, 08 July 2013


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They would have preferred it to have been an Australian that he beat.

Delighted for British tennis with Andy Murray's win and hope it will help the profile of tennis on this side of the world. Being 'across the water' Ireland still waits. Our last mens winner was Harold Sigerson Mahony in 1896 and Helena Rice winning the ladies championship in 1890.

Among Brits abroad too! A slight hangover...

A Briton as a winner of the Tour de France in 2012 and a Briton as the winner of the Men's Singles at Wimbledon in 2013. Two things I never expected to see in my lifetime. But I'm not holding my breath ahead of an England victory in the football (sorry, soccer) World Cup of 2014. Some things are just too fantastic (even if I was a toddler in 1966).

We are all basking in the glory of a British Wimbledon winner :) Truly an outstanding performance and an epic last game! Well done Andy, thoroughly deserved!

Still reeling (in at least two senses}

Tom (From Glasgow)

The Guardian this morning printed a front page that had only its title and a full page of Andy Murry kissing the trophy (health and safety?). You'd think World Peace had broken out. Typical British overstatement? You bet.

Still, that last service game was a cliffhanger like I've never experienced and thank God I popped an extra blood pressure pill.

Jeff Grant - don't worry, the British and Irish Lions just beat Australia in the rugby over the weekend. Ending a 16 year drought on that front.

They've also got another great chance to beat us in the Ashes starting this week (yes... it's cricket and the Brits are favorites!!!!).

Chris (from Australia)

congratulations to him and all that, great personal achievement but of course the media go bonkers.......

personally I was happier at the Lions wining and I will be even happier if we win the ashes

Sorry Chris :)

Generally speaking I'm not a sports fan - I find watching sport on TV pretty boring.
But yesterday afternoon along with (I think) 17 million other Brits, I watched the Wimbledon final. Sure I was pleased that Murray won and sure I was proud that it was a British win but it was not the technical skills that impressed me, great those these were, nor nationalistic pride, but the enormous emotional and intellectual concentration displayed by both players, regardless of who was ahead or behind, and their determination to give of their best regardless of the score. Such absolute commitment, the result of both physical and emotional training and dedication of the highest degree, was truly humbling.
And at the end of it all both the winner and the loser made gracious and modest speeches such as befits true kings of sport. What wonderful role models for our children.

Lions beat the Wallabies by a record score, Chris Froome took the Maillot Jaune, Murray wins Wimbledon and, most importantly, the Ashes start on Wednesday. We should be playing you guys in the World Series of rounders to complete the set!

A bit slow to comment here Mike, but despite living in the English midlands I was unaware of the 'historic' events in south west London until a colleague mentioned it.

Fact is I've been a cycling fan since my teens and in my house in July everything stops for the Tour de France (bar the ironing, which I can do in front of the TV). My twitter is cycling-focussed, my xml feeds are about cycling and photography and since I cycle to work I no longer listen to the news during the journey... which is just as well as it's almost all negative.

I'm told the Ashes (cricket) is happening at the moment too. Really? That's nice for them ;-)


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