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Sunday, 28 July 2013


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"He really makes me think that I should start a "photo school" series here on TOP, and try to impart what I know about getting better at shooting."

An advantage, for me, about "teaching" from a blog, is each post can be very tightly focused. People can "study" just the parts they are ready for. As a teacher in a group I had a very hard time recognizing that a skill or technique that was for me, second nature, was not always so evident to the student.

And, I too feel blessed that I sometimes had a very good teacher. One of the reasons I pass knowledge on.

Wait a minute, it's a downpour, you're speeding down the highway, windshield wipers going like mad, a car passing you on the right, and you want to show us that you're driving with one hand and taking a photo with the other? Drop me off at the next rest stop please.

I cast a vote for the photo school series

Your "intro" reads like a promo for a video game.

Mozart and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance sounds a lot more interesting than that Zen one was.

One of the best 'casual' pool players I ever met was a friend during my grad school days at Madison in the early 70's. He had a leg amputated in Vietnam, and subsequently spent many hours in a downtown Madison bar that had a table. Once he got his turn, others put their quarters down for the next place in line, but he remained there for hours on end. I enjoyed watching the cue ball, on most occasions, perfectly lined up for each next shot...and positioned for several more.

I never heard of Jerry, but now I wonder if my friend had a connection.

Mike, there's a guy in your neck of the woods- Racine- who's worth seeing if you like characters. His name is Frank Stellman, aka "Sailor" and he's a teacher and cue-maker who has been around long enough to have personal stories about Mosconi and some of the greats of the game. He was one of the top players of his time in 14:1 straight pool and 9 ball, and has mentored more than one top player. And he's an avid photographer with photos lining the walls of his storefront space that's a bit of time capsule.

"Driving to Madison through a downpour: Gloom and doom, sturm und drang."

I hate to rain in on your parade (pun intended), but "Sturm und Drang" does not work in this situation.
As a matter of fact, "Sturm und Drang" always has to do with people and/or large crowds. The german word "Drang" as a noun (Der Drang, masculine), translates into a necessity, an urge, a compulsion or even an aspiration. As a verb it becomes Drängen (Das Drängen, das gedränge, drängeln) it translates into pushing, shoving, coaxing, edging.

Although "Sturm" (Der Sturm, masculine) does literally mean storm as in describing an extreme weather situation, in the case of "Sturm und Drang", however, it rather describes the rushing of, or the rather swiftly moving of a large crowd of people heading/being somewhere at the same time. Literally storming towards a destination.This could be a sporting event, a rock concert, rush hour or even a large number of people in an extreme situation, rushing towards an emergency exit or into life boats. In this phrase, there is a hint, but only a hint of disregard for others, the recklessness of large masses of people, a possible stretching of human decency, an unwanted, unwelcome, unpleasant situation or experience.

There is no quick translation such as Doom and Gloom, but if I had to give a rough and dirty one, it would be, the rushing and the pushing!


[Thanks George! Very interesting. I know it only as the name for the pre-Romantic movement in German literature and music from the 1770s. It's usually translated here as "storm and stress."

I learned about it from Trevor Pinnock's traversal of the middle symphonies of Haydn, which are sometimes called the "Sturm und Drang Symphonies." --Mike]

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