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Sunday, 28 July 2013


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Would not the "blank white space" be more appropriate to John Cage ?

(or Paul Taylor, best dance review ever , google it)

What a shame. A comment Eric Clapton made in a TV documentary comes to mind (sorry, I have to paraphrase) - with JJ Cale, it is all about finesse... my own success has come from doing what he does, only overplaying it.

"5" has long been a favourite album of mine. But the song I called up on reading this news, is "Artificial Paradise" from the album Ten. A neat, pat little gem - made with throwaway mastery, of the sort Django Reinhardt might have appreciated.

JJ Cale, one of the best. He will be missed. R.I.P.

Cueing up the tracks on iTunes now. I was switched on to his music by a friend when I was a teenager and have been a huge fan ever since. I was given an opportunity to see him play live and turned it down due to work commitments thinking there'll be another opporunity but there never was.

Mike, I've been playing Troubador and Special Edition constantly since I heard the news.

A couple of English girls introduced me to his music in the 80's ... not the least of the reasons I remember them fondly.

Thank you for remembering JJ
He was from Tulsa, as is my wife. She is not as good a player as he was, but no one else was.
One of my favorites is the obscure Pack My Jack.

[...With James Burton, Elvis's onetime guitarist. "Shades" is probably my favorite J.J. album...it has such a "live" feel. "Play it, James!" --Mike]

The author of this blog also had a tribute to Cale..Also Sippican is an interesting read..has great kids..


From the local library, last week I checked out "The Road to Escondido" by Clapton and Mr. Cale. Still playing it and sent a recording to my son at FSU, who appreciates my eclectic tune choices. Anyway, I still love Skynyrds' version of "Call me the Breeze". Saw it live.

I will now have to purchase one of the afore mentioned albums.

He is one of my fav musicians. He will be missed but his soul lives on. RIP.

I bought his album "Okie" in 1976 and were many problems (I'm from Croatia) until I found what is meant "Cajun Moon". R.I.P.

Cale's music plays in my truck about 80% of the time, it never gets tired.


the Cale is dead. long live the Cale.

Yeah, I just felt real bad when I learned he was gone. Loved his stuff for years & years. Godspeed on your new journey, JJ.

Saw J.J. Cale around 1972-73 in a little place in Campbell California. It might have had seating at tables for 20 with 10 stools at the bar. I had the album "Natural" at home and had already just about worn the grooves off. Natural now resides with 16 more of his albums in my Itunes.

My memory hazy, but I seem to remember paying a $10 cover charge and getting a free beer in exchange. We agonized over buying a second beer as we were poor college students at the time.

Like a previous commentator said, the set was short but perfect. It took a couple of songs to realize that the guy sitting in the back corner of the stage crouched over his guitar and not looking at the "crowd" was the man we had come to see!

Vale J.J., you will be missed.

I think Cale was quoted somewhere, saying he never intended to be a performer - those first records were really intended to be demos, with the purpose of selling the songs to other musicians. Never saw the man live - but I've been hooked since his first album.

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