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Saturday, 20 July 2013


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Can't wait to read: just the other day I thought about looking into new books and a subjective assessment on lenses will be interesting (I'm confident both lenses will be sharp enough). My first attempts into adapted lenses were not satisfactory; there were issues with ergonomics, with adapters -- always something. But now I actually have some adapted lenses that I do very much enjoy to use (on a Nex as a matter of fact), so I believe the outcome of your experiment could really be anything and that will hopefully make it a fascinating read.

Ahhh book reviews. I had better start setting some money aside. Still waiting for my copy of Here Far Away - Amazon now says delivery is expected between mid-August and mid- September.

I look forward to reading about the NEX-to-Contax adapter. I need a digital back for my Contax 50mm f1.4.

Thanks Mike...............!

Greets, Ed.

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