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Wednesday, 17 July 2013


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My iPad has never, ever let me post a comment on your blog. Not sure why. Just gives me a message about an "improperly formed url." A year or so ago I managed to make a few blog posts with my iPad on my personal blog, but the whole thing was such a pain with it I gave up. I think one of those old fashioned high-productivity clamshell lappy devices are are still called for in some instances.

There are a couple of apps which might give you a better experience than the web browser.


I haven't used either of them.

You need to get the Blogsy app. Better yet, you need to get away from typepad.

Laptop or tablet, either is a complete PITA to use unless you can plug a mouse in.
While our real computer was in storage for four months (sold house in England, bought house in France) I struggled with a laptop and managed most things except that I didn't trust it for RAW conversion....amazing what you can acheive with a poorly exposed jpg when push comes to shove.
Don't try to emulate your "at home" computing usage Mike, enjoy the holiday!

I have found posting to my blog very easy on the ipad. It's wordpress, and the app works pretty well. Comments, posts, features all work well. Mike are you using a typepad app, or using a browser?

Laptops.....I detest them. A computer needs to be a big dark, mennacing box with a lot of wires poking out of it. Laptops were the status symbol of ICT managers in the early zips....they all "needed" one and so I got my first laptop....it lasted 6 month (and thus cost my boss 700 euro per month). Then it was repared and it lasted 6 more month (screen snaped off), reducing the cost to 350 per month. My last laptop was HP pavillion 8000 and that is mine till the day (running Linux of course). iPad and other tablets are all fun and games, but I have not found any serious use for them (they do not even work as a frisbee, allthough some apps let you play frisbee on them).

Greets, Ed.

This comment posted from my ipad

It appears that Typepad themselves recommend Blogsy for posting via an iPad


Whether or not you want to do that is a different matter...

Typepad is notorious for misbehaving on Safari for iPad.

Try the Blogsy or Blogpress apps.

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