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Friday, 28 June 2013


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Are you planning on being a 'proper' publisher with an ISBN for each book?

[Yes. --Mike]

Welcome back - had us worried there for a minute … ;-)

"Which means the sellers are being unrealistic."

Which means the sellers are also connected to the internet and read TOP? Wouldn't be surprised - nothing worse than a keen buyer ...

If you don't overprice your book like the house down the street, I'll take one.

...when my Mom died two years ago, we had to sell her very wonderful four bedroom, two story house 44,000 under assessment...then, when the deal went through the month we were selling it, the city reassessed it down another 20K, so it ended up only (!) 24,000 under assessment. But still, there were people in her neighborhood that bought ranch homes half the size of hers, just pre-2008, for 80,000 above what we had to sell for, and we felt "lucky" to sell it.

Article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel last week about how Milwaukee has 30% of the areas population working at poverty wages, something I've been telling people since I've gotten back here from the east coast, and they haven't been believing! After looking at marketing statistics for a long time, it's interesting to note that the greater Milwaukee area has an "average family income" of about 12-15K below the national averages.

The moral of the story being: No, you should NOT pay a premium to buy anything in this metro area now (no matter what people think it's worth), and once the income of your metro area starts to slide, it's almost impossible to bring it back.

Lots of retired people in this area still think their houses are worth the last 'big' assessment they got, so it's still in their minds, and they are intractable about selling. My brother, who handled the house sale, had about ten stories about people not taking their "first best offer" on places, only to have to hold on to the properties for another 18-24 months and settle for less than they were originally offered...

Unless there's something endearing about your exact street . . . remember that it's no more hassle or expense to move 3 miles than it is to move 3 blocks (i.e., either way everything you own has to be boxed, put into a truck, unloaded, and unboxed). If you can widen your net a little, you'll doubtless find great things.

Mike, Make an official offer on the house for what you would be willing to pay. Lots of sellers start out to high and this gets people turned off, (also real estate agents). Eventually they get reasonable and they may come back, seen it happen in our development many times.

Glad to hear you will not neglect your international customers Mike. Not knowing the price or the shipping costs, I, for one, would still like to pre order the book. TOP Books or whatever name you will use, will be top class I'm sure.


I'm not sure why the anxiety over the book publishing. Why not handle it similarly to your print sale?. You could take preorders on the book, that would give you a good starting point and the cash to begin the whole process. Amazon (not that I am comparing you to Amazon) presells many books. In your case, it is a chance to gauge interest, and at the same time accumulate some needed funds.

Mike, just a quick thought on the future book. Why don't you have a non binding poll. Something like the book will be 40 pages and cost $65.00...how many people would be interested? At least this would give you a rough idea of how many copies you might sell.

I'm glad the bad news wasn't health related. That could be bad news. What you're describing is just life!

Dear Mike,

I'm not sure I understand the book problem. So, you do a first printing of 450. If it sells out instanter, you do a second printing of 450. Just like a "real publisher" would. Books are not, by default, thought to come in limited editions, unless you explicitly and specifically choose that to be the case.

Also, most people (me included) truly don't give a damn about first editions or printings, so long as the quality of the book's no different.

pax / Ctein
-- Ctein's Online Gallery http://ctein.com
-- Digital Restorations http://photo-repair.com

No Ctein,

First editions are damned importent. Some people (I call them wealthy idiots) pay top dollar for first editions. But only if all of them are told their pytifull lives are incomplete without one. And that happens when the whole of the first edition is allready sold to people like you and me who don't care about first editions (and treated the books mostly accordingly because they loved the content). So the people who bought the book and did not care about the content (and tucked it away in a safe place a.k.a. the attic) make top dollar selling them to rich stupid idiots, so to speak as a service to their own "carelessness". Therefore I should advise everyone to buy the first edition (get Mike to sign it, unless he signs everyone of course then the plot from "Noting Hill" comes to mind :-)), never read it, store it in the attic, best forget all about it and let your grandchildren discover it in 50 years time. Then hope the second and third edition sold out in millions and bring the book to an auction at Christies and wait for the stash of cash. But first buy the book, already, damned.


> I.e., right way 'round in the mirror, if you didn't get that.

There was this kid at school, a couple of years younger then me. He went to prison. He tattooed himself on his forehead. A single word. It was backwards. No lie, heard about it, then a few years later saw it myself.

Keep yer powder dry Mike. The best thing about an overpriced listing is they often sell at a discount to the market eventually. Just sayin'.

A "punk" at my school in the then current local lingo was very conscious of mirror images when self-tattooing large letters on his forehead in black ink. He got the letters the correct way around. But instead of "SKINS", he wrote "SNIKS". True story.

How about promise a e-book plus a hard copy as a gift later without promise (but we trust you will deliver). Fix the e-book delivery with the sale the date but the hard copy would come likely within 1 year of the e-book selling date. I think reader of yours would be tolerant of this. We can even see sample chapter.

I suggest this is because you do not know the sale volume and I suspect v much that the sale volume affect your margin or even your lost/profit situation. By using this model, you get a better estimate.

The last thing you want is to have a book sale and you ended with the remaining stock of the book if you just over-estimate a bit of demand. Of course, you are sure you are under-produced so that some of us would not get it :-) it is another matter.

Clear the market is a very hard thing to do, Mike!

I was worried for a moment, but I should have known better. Welcome back, nice to see you're planning the future.

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