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Tuesday, 25 June 2013


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Take care and get well soon.

The piece in Globe and Mail is utterly stupid. Sorry, Mike.

Stupid article stating the dilema about the ubiquitous digital snap. Sort of along the lines pictures have to tell a story else they are shot only for selfindulgence (a more civilized term then the word masturbation used in the article) played out in 6 billionfold on Facebook each month.

So a picture only obtains value if it is part of a photographic essay (like Mary Allen Mark did) and does not have a value on it's own. And that should be shot analog.

That is like saying the Demoiselle 'd Avignon has no value because it does not tell a story about prostitution. Or devaluating Ansel Adams shots of the great outdoors because they didn't tell a story about illegal logging.

In short the average shortsighted, soundbite filled noncense you can expect from an avarage journalist.

What he observes correctly though, is that most of the photo's you see today are utter crap guilded by camera technology that more or less makes the worst P&S better then a Nikon of the 80th. Well in that he's absolutely right and most of the papers contribute to that (and profit on that) by being adorned by absolutely inferiour photostock plucked from the Internet.

So instead of ranting to the public he should rant to his editor in chief and exept the pink slip and stop boring his readers (and stop bothering Ms. Mark).

Greets, Ed.

P.S. My blog will be dead at juli 5th. So will be my commercial website.

Take it easy Mike. Get well soon.

Wish you a good recover, ciao

Take the time you need. Be well.

Get well soon Mike.

I feel your pain, I've been sick for two days with a stomach flue. I hope that you get better soon.


Hope you are okay. Don't push yourself.

Get well soon Mike.
Best wishes.

Hopefully not a fall out of reading http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2013/06/weirdest-book-review.html

Get well soon, I miss your posts.

Hey man, are you OK???

Hope you get to take it easy and feel much better soon.

Hmm. Thinking about MJ and hoping he's feeling better today??

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