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Friday, 28 June 2013


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I started with Nature/Landscape/Scenic photography as I'm sure many viewing this blog have also. (or still do) Like any other other photographic effort the cream generally rises to the top.

I've captured some decent landscape shots over the years but go ahead and try stay with the best! Like street or portrait or any other subject there are those who just excel.

Thanks for this Mike, I actually feel like I have a way forward after looking at this stuff.

To impressionist for my taste (impressionism is best left to dead Dutchmen IMHO, but hey I grew up in Neunen so I could be a bit biassed), but never the less I'm impressed, if you like impressionist photography my namesake (sort of) is worth a closer look.

Greets, Ed.

I love photography and love nature, but have had a hard time loving nature photography. Too much of it just shows us beauty the photographer found, well captured. My reaction is "that's a lovely spot" not "that's a great photograph." Soloway is moving past that. He is now photographing what is in his head, rather than just what is in front of him. The results are lovely and distinctive.

Que Bueno! Que Bueno!

I had the good fortune to learn with Eddie in Santa Fe last summer. He's a vibrant, insightful, practical and generous artist. He also makes a mean margarita. His approach to finding a way to our image is applicable wherever I take the camera, not just into the woods. His passion for working with natural light and avoiding all but the most rudimentary adjustments to the raw image were challenging and freeing.

Eddie is also a very fine teacher

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