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Monday, 10 June 2013


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The DVD "Shadow of the House" is a great introduction to Abe's work. It follows him as he travels to Europe and Cuba to create some of his unique images. A very inventive photographer.

I have seen his work in person at his gallery in NYC and fully agree with you that looking at the actual prints is well worth the trip. You did an excellent write up of his work, but perhaps you have Elizabeth as well as Mike as your editor?

I have all summer to get 90 miles down to Chicago, but it took me a month to get here from AZ. Mike, I would agree that it is summer here today.

While I'm a great admirer of Abelardo Morell's inspiring work, "a photographer's photographer" is not quite the label I would assign him. I would think that term applies more to artists that successfully achieve on a regular basis a type of work that most mere mortals struggle to achieve in a lifetime- even though they may practice similar methods using similar tools.

And although any photographer is theoretically capable of doing the kinds of projects that Mr. Morell does, they are often so unique that while many may appreciate or aspire to it, I don't see a majority of photographers trying to emulate them. I guess I tend to interpret "a photographer's photographer" as being more of a generalist- a Gossage or Wessel, who with a modicum of non specialized equipment and minimum technique can photograph a variety of environments so well..

Abelardo Morell, great photographer that is an example of what I call a real photographer. He creates beauty with his camera, he does not care (to much) about what he shoots, but he cares a lot about how he shoots it. In that sense an example to us all.

Greets, Ed.

Thanks Ken and Mike.

I would not call him a photographer so much as an artist who constructs deep and thoughtful images. The camera is merely a medium, the thought process is what matters.

As a photographer, however observant, I am far too reliant on what I already see to think about what I might see, if....

The objects are beautiful but free of emotive artifice. A rare pleasure, like Bach.

Ah...The Fire Engine Book. A great read the first few hundred times... But I wonder if Abelardo got so sick of reading it each and every night to his kids that his only solution was to rip it up? And that provided the inspiration for the photo? If so, I suspect a lot of TOP readers are quietly contemplating their own series of Abelardo Morell / Tibor Gergely inspired masterpieces. What a great excuse - "I must rip up this book in the name of Art!" After all, we all know that the man with the Polka Dot tie will be there to rescue Scuffy, that the Little Red Caboose will save the train and Tootle will get 100A+ for staying on the rails...no matter what. How many times are we expected to read these things? Ok, rant over, but its rare for me to see a photo that I can relate to so closely.

Hmmm. I took almost exactly that same image during what I think was probably that same solar eclipse. I imagine that hundreds or thousands of other people of varying skill did the same.

What is it about _this_ rendering that makes those layers of meaning unfold for you?

I might define a 'photographer's photographer', as a photographer who's work appeals particularly to other photographers. This is likely to be because their work relies on technical or artistic skill not appreciated to the same degree by those less familiar with the execution of the craft. Rankin, Adams, and McCurry would not be in this camp. Kertész, Atget, Winograd, Eskenazi would be. I would agree that it is genre-independent but I think it is a different categorisation than simlply a measure of skill.

What a timely post. I just looked up Aberaldo Morell, and it turns out he has an exhibition in my city for the next couple of weeks, just a few stops from my office. Looks like it's going to be a long lunch break tomorrow!

Very timely post. I'm very lucky to be in Chicago today and went to see the exhibition based on this post. It's magnificent.

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