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Tuesday, 26 March 2013


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This gives me a chance to remark on the packing of the prints. Mine arrived in 5+lb of packaging that would be typical for shipment to a museum. Very impressive protection.

My order arrived in Oz in perfect condition. Lovely.

My 'Tucson Mountains' print arrived a couple of weeks ago. Very beautiful, taking my time on deciding on the framing. And, I was also impressed by the heavy duty packaging and the cost of shipping to Canada was only around $40.

The only issue (if it is an issue) is I was hoping that the package would include a technical statement regarding the process and media used to make the print. I've been collecting photos here and there for the past couple of years and each purchase has included something describing the technique(s) used to make the print. When I sell my prints I do the same. I emailed Michael a week ago requesting this but haven't had a response.

Can somebody please verify the paper/technique for this photograph (Lodima paper, contact print, etc.)? Thanks in advance.

The prints are beautiful!
And although my heart sank as the Canada Post guy dropped one of the packages as he was coming to the door, all was well thanks to Michael and Paula's attention to detail.

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