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Wednesday, 28 November 2012


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I've been shooting extensively with the 28mm f1.8 and D800 over the past few months and have been quite impressed. The lens is sharp across the frame and focuses surprisingly close. It won't replace a macro lens but makes for a very good walk around sort of lens. Definitely recommended.

Now.. if Nikon would just release a new 35mm f1.8 lens, I'd be set.

Wow, when I think what 24mm and 28mm f/2 Nikkor lenses cost twenty-five years ago, $700 for a state of the art "D800-ready" 28mm f/1.8 in today's dollars is really quite a bargain.

and where is that guide? not here: http://www.nikonusa.com/en_US/o/Y6wrkA9OU_z04IreazIXl_22UII/PDF/D800_TechnicalGuide_En.pdf (the first thing that comes up in google). I do find it suspicious that Nikon doesn't list the 1.8 primes. I do not think that a 50mm or an 85mm 1.8 will produce results any worse than their 1.4 counterparts.

Do you have a link to this list?? I've spent some time on Google, and all I can find is your original list here http://www.nikonusa.com/en_US/o/Y6wrkA9OU_z04IreazIXl_22UII/PDF/D800_TechnicalGuide_En.pdf

Dear Mike,

And people need to remember that this is just a "here's are some lenses we recommend" list. It is **NOT** exclusive.

pax / Ctein

Do you wish you had waited and bought the new Sigma 35mm f1.4 which is supposed to be the dogs bolloc** :)instead of the 28mm f1.8?

V2 of the Nikon D800 guide lists the same 16 lenses listed in V1. Do you have the URL of the guide listing the 23 lenses?

Lucky you, Mike, so you are allowed to continue using it and don't have to sell it at a big loss ;-)

Cannot find that list. But it seems lens rental list is a good start.


Btw, Ctein, the nikon list is important as it is not usual for them to have such list and for buy lens as investment (sort of) it is a good collection guide.

Now you are free to buy your f1.8 lenses in a silly box:

A quite favorable test/review of this lens at Photozone:


Hmm, so which of these lenses might be good enough for the D3200, which has 24MP where the D800 has 15MP?

V3 of the D800 guide lists 19 lenses on page 32, including the 28mm f/1.8G. I found it on the Nikon UK site under "Support & Downloads".

Thing is Mike, what do YOU think about it?

I'm quite interested myself. New contract coming up so opportunity to spend a bit more on new D600 glass, though also looking at the Sigma.


This Nikon USA news release "seems" to say Nikon recommends that lens with the D800, as the 28mm 1.8 is "maximizing the characteristics of FX-format digital SLR cameras offering superior definition and image quality." But, "compatible" is not the same as recommended.

It had been pointed out to me in a discussion elsewhere about the Nikon D800 that the Japanese version of the D800 Technical Guide actually listed the new 28mm f/1.8 in the recommended lens list.

This is not surprising, as the 28mm f/1.8's has been getting quite good reviews, and a look at its lens construction shows that its optical formula has a quite nice pedigree.

A quick comparison between the English and Japanese versions of the guide shows that their chapter structure and illustrations are pretty identical across languages, the length of the recommended lens list apparently being the only salient difference.

As it also lists the recently announced 70-200mm f/4.0 zoom lens, the Japanese version of the guide is presumably a newer revision than the English version that's currently available on the Nikon US web site.

Given that the content changes seem minimal, I surmise that a slightly updated English version, with the expanded lens list, is in the works and will be published pretty soon.

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