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Thursday, 27 September 2012


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That's a bad sign coming from Amazon.com...

What I think makes this even more remarkable is that Dpreview's owner, Amazon, is one the key players in hosting/storage. You'd think they know a thing or two about traffic management...

Darn those 36 megapixels!

I thought you're talking about the refs, because THEY ARE BACK!

A relevant story in Sunday's (Sept. 23, 2012) New York Times on server farm capacity, demand and energy consumption: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/23/technology/data-centers-waste-vast-amounts-of-energy-belying-industry-image.html

This is not an infrequent occurrence for me, but usually hitting the 'refresh' button results in an immediate connection.

This should be looked at as "dpreview have finally figured out their site is overloaded and now give a correct error message after a timeout rather than hanging and never loading the page".

They've been very slow for some time.

What Richard said: "What I think makes this even more remarkable is that Dpreview's owner, Amazon, is one the key players in hosting/storage."

Yep, they are *huge*. You can imagine what they need just for their own hosting, and they got so good at it that they started leasing it out, big style.

Actually, the success that company has is almost frightening. That said, I don't want them to fail until I get my Kindle Paperwhite! (And until I've read all the books I need to in this lifetime.)

Too many cat pictures and too many internet experts opining endlessly...

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