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Saturday, 15 September 2012


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These images..THEY'RE GRRRREAT !

Nice bustle...

Just finished listening to a documentary about those Kellog dudes. "Crackpots" doesn't do them justice. What awful creatures they were!

I've been spending the past two weeks in Poland and Western Ukraine, and I've come across a "Museum Pharmacies" in L'viv and Warsaw. The one in L'viv is a working pharmacy with a display of old pharmacy bottles, cabinets, and equipment, and the layout is virtually identical to the shop in the postcard, though I didn't notice any photographica. The Warsaw museum pharmacy was under renovation, so I didn't get a chance to go in.

Just one question: The woman's waist - photoshopped?

Beyond cool. Historically sublime. Great photos. Okay, I've run out of supleratives.

Mike, my wife wants to know why it is I always have to click on the Joyful Nudes link on my way through the comments...

To learn about early Kellog's in style read this, http://www.amazon.com/The-Road-Wellville-T-C-Boyle/dp/0140167188/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1347835406&sr=8-1&keywords=Road+to+wellville

FWIW, Battle Creek is 20 miles east of Kalamazoo and about 50 west of Jackson, Michigan, home of Michigan's max security prison.

In Hong Kong, Kellogg's cereal boxes are printed in Chinese.

You're welcome.

You can tell that it's a genuine old photo because the sign above the clerk's head says KODAKS with no apostrophies. : ]

However, Paul, the women's waist might not be retouched, but I suspect that the bottom of her skirt is, to add detail to an otherwise featureless area. They used the 'brush' tool.

I'll second Andy on "The Road To Wellville". It was a movie too and you will never spend two hours laughing at more crazy stuff than when watching that movie!!! It is awesome.

Ditto on The Road to Wellville. It is off the hook funny. In high school the local camera store was a drug store. I spent a lot of time in there. This would be the 1960's. A little after those pictures were taken and about 500 miles west.

Did the Kellogs coin the word? Their dates of birth are 1852 and 1860 but Dictionary.com carries a citation for the word from 1851.

Pail R
Not Photoshopped but corseted!

I'm going to say track down the Road to Wellville book* but skip the movie, which adds emphasis on the poop jokes, but misses most of the really funny (and scary, and sad) things from the book.

Also the book was inspired by two other nonfiction books that might be worth tracking down:

Cornflake Crusade by Gerald Carson
Nuts Among the Berries by Ronald Deutsch.

*And almost any other book by TC Boyle. Really.

Dear Roger,

If you're talking about the slight patterning in the lower part of the skirt, that is nonuniform deterioration in the print from fingerprints. Common at the edges of old photos.

Interestingly, sometimes the fingerprint ridges are darker, because the finger oils have protected the image from other, more damaging environmental contaminants.

pax / Ctein

Somebody paid $170.39 for this photo. The woman is likely wearing a corset and she is having trouble breathing I am sure...

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