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Thursday, 09 August 2012


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I have a pair of left handed chain and bolt cutters if you need them...

Just do it, Mike!

It's very rare for me to say this, unfortunately i'm in Australia...

Get down there mike - it'd be amazing

"May I please just tell you how much I wish I could unchain my ankle from the leg of the desk and spend a few days immersed in actually taking pictures?"

Well....I guess as long as you come back and tell us all about it with a nice long article replete with above mentioned pictures....then sure!


I think I ran into one of his students while eating at the bar at Fiorello's a couple of months back. She was from Australia and seemed to like it.

I was lucky to be able to take Peter's workshop in Barcelona in April. It was a fantastic experience. By now I imagine that last NYC slot is filled but here's why it would be worth every penny -- you'll learn to take better pictures, you'll see a master at work, and you'll be one handshake away from giants like Cartier-Bresson and Kertész.

Just browsing through TOP and noticed Mike's comment above. I was the Australian student at Fiorello's...great antipasto...and I did very much enjoy Peter's workshop. And New York in June is pretty special.


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