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Tuesday, 21 August 2012


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Great video! Even better than another episode of Downton Abbey.

I really think you need to put up a disclaimer on these. I now have to wipe the coffee off my iDevices. :-)


Good one Mike !

But had I produced this video, I may have been tempted to add a "rickroll" at the end of the video :)

This is absolutely hilarious, Mike! Thanks for publishing.

I have to have it, alas there is no cell phone coverage where I live (heck I'll get it anyway)

In the grand tradition of the internet... I'll be sending you a bill for my soda drenched keyboard. :)



No Like-A

Touché. The satire is sharper than a chef's knife.

Will this new device be able to send and receive telephone calls and text message as well
as take superb photographs?

Does it come with an ice-cibe manufacturer so I can always have cold ice for my drinks?

How about a GPS so the telephone knows where it is is at all times?

And does this offer unlimited digital storage space and free telephone calls anywhere beyond the sound of Mike's voice???

Mind the over use of the alphabetical letter "I" smacks
of the supidity by which the current generation of children (any male or female or transgendered folk less than 21 mental years of age) assume
all of the world is theirs and all they have to do is ask for it... No!


Seems that Nikon has a leg up on the iPhone 5. How ironic that this satire is already a reality.


Very funny... so... where can I get one? And what was the name of that basement restaurant?

Come to think of it.....

I rarely laugh out loud at internet content but that had me in stitches

Nice, except for the unecessary pathos at about 1:40, just in case the people in the cheap seats hadn't figured it out he had to put on his sad face and say "I am a loser".

As a Brit, this is what irritates me about mainstream American 'comedy', so much of it is a man holding up a placard saying "look, this is the punchline coming up". I just find it unecessary and patronising

Looks like Nikon beat them to the punch. Well, there's no "voice app", but with WiFi and Skype, who cares?

MEANWHILE: Nikon goes to extraordinary lengths to turn parody into reality... "http://www.dpreview.com/news/2012/08/22/Nikon-announces-gingerbread-Android-powered-Coolpix-S800c-smart-superzoom

Right toe, but in return, you've inflicted stuff like this on us....

Call it even, then?


Mike, but Cleese read his brief. It wasn't made for Brits, I regard it as a supporting argument for my case :-)

Dear Ed,

OK, now you've got me thinking back to my improv classes and theory of comedy stuff.

I agree with your reaction; it's a weak and unnecessary moment and it's not even especially funny. It undermines. I do not agree that it's particularly American; I've seen amateur (and poor) comedians from the UK make the same mistake about as often.

The key to a funny sketch is to take an idea and run with it and never let go. It's like dream logic or an exercise in reductio ad absurdum… Except the participants are helpless before the absurd. Doesn't matter if it's subtle like Bob Newhart or over-the-top like Monty Python, or even please-kill-me-now-so-I-don't-have-to-watch-him Benny Hill. What keeps the sketch funny is holding onto the dream logic no matter what bizarreness it produces and where it takes you.

This sketch breaks the logic. It's supposed to be an Apple promotional video, not a confessional by the performer. The premise is what if all those silly pictures you see posted online really WERE the only lives those people had (could just as well have been cute pictures of cats). You follow product development to its dream-logical conclusion and you get the promotional material. But that's your sketch. It's not about personal growth or development. That's for novels and full-length movies. Having your narrator break down at the end of it breaks the logic. It's not funny because it doesn't ring dream-logic-true. If this were a promotional video, they'd cut. There'd be many ways to play that, including this being the unedited tape in which case there should be something at the beginning to establish that like an offstage “roll'em" and at the end they're hollering “cut cut" and trying to drag him off the stage. But what happens here isn't an overstated punchline; those can be very funny. Lots of Monty Python, for example. That's because they build on the premise more and more until it simply explodes in their faces. This is just a non sequitur, comedically.

You could run with the idea that it's all about the spokesperson realizing how awful his life is. But then that's the whole sketch. I remember some ancient comedy routine, might've been Milton Berle, along the lines of someone up at a podium reading a really sad story or letter to the audience, and as he reads along he progressively loses it more and more, until the end he is positively suicidal and other folks have to rush in and restrain him to keep him from killing himself on the spot. It's a lot funnier than it sounds when I describe it.

Regardless, total agreement that that little scene is gratuitous, distracting, and weakens a very funny routine. It's still a pretty funny video …

pax \ Ctein
[ Please excuse any word-salad. MacSpeech in training! ]
-- Ctein's Online Gallery http://ctein.com 
-- Digital Restorations http://photo-repair.com 

Analysing humor? Next we'll be measuring poetry!

Dear Bruce,

Indeed! Poetry is measured in meters.

pax / Ctein

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