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Tuesday, 07 August 2012


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WOW that's cheap!!! from Australia, where we need such animals to take to the beach. We sell 'em in shops for three times as much. Grab 'em with both hands.

FYI...these posts work.
Note To Self...The Self is Weak at 7:30 AM.
also...cancel Amazon credit card.

Good thing I'm in Canada, I just saved 99$.

This is a great little camera, but don't wash it under a tap. Hmmmmm? how do I know that?
Anyways, bought another as a replacement with a 3 year, no conditions warranty.

Thanks for the tipoff Mike. I wanted to buy something like this for outdoor activities but price was a deterrent. Finally bit the bullet with this deal. Hope I managed to do it through your link.

The link just now took me to a listing that gave a $139 price.

Orange? Really? That's what broke me down and opened the wallet? Geez... I thought it would be high ISO or the O.I.S. or something... but I think it was the fact that this thing is orange.

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