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Tuesday, 08 May 2012


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Mike, there are no other commetns showing yet, but that really is a lovely picture



I fail to see why 'patterns on the wall' would not be a valid theme for a photo selection. After all, images are mostly visual things, aren't they ? And looking at the resulting set, I find it quite interesting, even stimulating. Actually, I suspect that the process itself of selecting the photos according to the theme would be the most interesting part !

Did HCB really get rich from his photos? I thought he came from a very well-off family anyway, and have never heard or read anything about his income from photography, one way or another, so I would be curious to find out more.

I enjoy it when Slate puts up series of photos from Magnum, as it's a way to view Magnum photos online without the watermark. But it does make Magnum seem like a glorified Getty.

Interesting, never knew there was another notable Erich Hartmann (the other one being of course the legendary Ace and all time most successful fighter pilot)

I bought that "A Year In Photography: Magnum Archive" book after seeing you review it here, Mike, and I was struck by how well the selected photos worked completely removed from any context. They were better than I expected them to be, and I expected them to be quite good. My personal theory is that when the image is good, textual context won't really improve it, it will change it into something else, ideally something else that is also good.

Perhaps in these days of new media, someone will produce a Magnum book for the iPad that can be viewed in both ways, one as a random slideshow and the other as a set of text-rich essays. Thus you get two distinct photographs for each image!

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