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Thursday, 03 May 2012


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Such a silly, silly man. If you can find it online, its free. That's how the internet works. ;)

You could try http://www.filmwasters.com/forum/index.php?topic=5219.0 and if they're not what you want, contact Leon and I'm sure he'll oblige.

Or there's this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370607124872

Ask here, maybe


I posted your request over at the Large Format Photography forum. Hopefully you'll get some help.

Just use Google Images, Mike.


You might try contacting Kerry Thalmann at reallybigcameras.com. He is a Chamonix dealer based in Oregon. He is also a very good large format photographer: thalmann.com

Hey Mike buy me one and I promise to send you a very nice photo of it. :0

You might want to ask on APUG mike, some members there just received theirs.

Do a search on google images, you will find several pictures there,
Cheers and keep well, Paul

What the heck is a Chamonix 45N-2?

"What the heck is a Chamonix 45N-2?"

A French-made rocket launcher.

No, it's a French 2-seater designed for hill climbs. 425 horsepower, 1900 pounds, and an air suspension.

Or perhaps a sophisticated type of corkscrew. It removes the cork using suction.

A genetically modified type of brie?


That is one beautiful and versatile looking camera especially for that price: (ebay-US$900.00). I just sold my Zone VI black walnut, gold plating and this one at least from the ebay fotos looks like it'll better it.


Mike, you can use any of these images: http://www.flickr.com/photos/przemur/sets/72157629615241484/

(And if you would like to, I can make any kind of picture of the camera... that is excluding some special effects, like setting it on fire, drowning, stuffing it with brie, etc.) I just imagined this would look quite surreal to put the Chamonix on a plate, among a choice of French Cheeses...

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