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Thursday, 26 April 2012


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With the help with Carl Weese's project, and the print sale by Peter Turnley and Ctein, we have here a website that promotes photography. This is great, thank you Mike.

And there's even been a bit about motorcycles! I am indeed a happy man!

Mike picked a great photo to represent the project.


That's one of my favorites too. The screen was torn down about ten years ago. I was there for the sad event.---Carl

Happy to hear that the Carl Weese's project got funded.

Despite not ever having been to a drive-in (we dont have them over here, I really should have made a point of visiting one when I was in the states) the project really struck a chord with me, as I'm doing my own self-directed project. It's great to see the funding of self directed projects like this. They may not be commercially viable but as a photographic record and visual document it has so much worth.

Keep pointing us to projects like this Mike.

Carl, where is (was?) the Flea Market picture taken? I don't recall seeing it in the galleries on your site. Is sharing the area with a flea market a sign of decline or health?

With local airports, opening a flea market seriously undercuts the feeling of the place, exposes aircraft to vandalism -- although there is a successful airport, Old Bridge, in NJ, which runs top of the line drag races every weekend, keeps a runway open and has secure hangars, so dual use is possible.

And you are never too young for a drive-in. My kids (12 and 14) think they are great and scout for them on trips.

Best of luck.


Scott, it's gone. The owners, who have a hardtop in the town as well, were basically told to sell the land to the state for an expansion of a highway department facility next door, or face eminent domain.

Running a flea market isn't necessarily a bad sign. Before the digital conversion issue, the problem for DIs was running a seasonal, and often weekends-only, business that requires 15+ acres of commercially zoned land. Coming up with another revenue stream is just good sense. Like investing in the equipment to make pizza as good as the competition, and 'fast food' better and a little cheaper than the big chains (they aren't franchised and don't have to pay advertising chain assessments, so they can pull this off and make a profit).

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