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Saturday, 07 April 2012


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The REAL present for the man who has everything being, of course ... ... ... Penicillin.

Hey, built in 18% grey card and color correction squares!

Doubles as a grey card.

Great for borderline personality types.

A tad conservative next to some of the outfits I've seen in San Francisco...

So where's the TOP version for us TOPies?

Maybe prints aren't all you can sell here.

Fashionable Moose

Can't help but ask if this is a Quiksilver ski/boarding jacket? :)

Very good! Yes, I'm told it's a "Quiksilver Mathieu Crepel Snowboard Jacket."


Is there a Canon version?

What no link?!?

I have the nerve to wear it. But, where are the pockets for lenses, filters, lens caps and the like?

Looks like you're running a little M.

Well it may not be quite as noticeable as the jacket,...... But I have the hat!

Hugh sent me this one:


Apparently it's discontinued now. (I actually went to the Quiksilver site and checked...see what I do for my readers? [g])


Lol! Thanks Dale. I just ordered a hat!

Rod Graham

Was: £184.99
Now: £55.49
There are no excuses for not buying one...

Also available in the Land of Oz

Very nice! :)

Where's the vest version?

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