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Tuesday, 17 April 2012


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Not 100% sure but he may have been one of my teachers when I went to RIT in the early 1960's. Sad to see him go. My wife and he corresponded in E mails on the RIT forum a few years back.

I also offer condolences. Mr. Zakia's "Perception" book has been a wonderful reference book for me, as has the Focal Encyclopedia. What an outstanding life and career he had. Well done, Richard, well done!

Many thanks to Richard for the light he shed on my path with his writing. That damned EXIT door is way too busy.

I cut my exposure teeth on White, Zakia and Lorenz. It remains a classic; I am sorry to hear of Zakia's departure.

What sad news. I have copies of each iteration of Perception and Imaging (starting with the earliest version published by Light Impressions in Rochester), plus the Zone System book with White and Lorenz. And Photographic Materials and Processes. And his newest one on composition. He was a smart guy with a good sense of humor. I never met him, but we emailed back and forth some years ago after I gave a positive review to one of his books on Amazon.com.

I confess to not reading the Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester's "newspaper of record", so missed any article or obituary published at the time. Doing a search last night, however, I found only a short obituary (http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/democratandchronicle/obituary.aspx?page=lifestory&pid=156525449), that had absolutely no reference to R.I.T., Rochester, or his work. That seems pretty sad.

I remember, as a young photographer, reading the Zone system book, and it was like finding the key to a locked door.

Just saw Dr. Zaika's obit. I met him in 1977 when I was a grad student at RIT. He was a pretty phenomenal teacher and I still use a version of his book when I teach photo design. So sorry to hear of his passing.

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