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Friday, 06 April 2012


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Is tearing and reassembling family photos a trend?

e.g. Petapixel mentioned this yesterday


Is there a Photoshop plugin for this yet? :-)

Gimmicky. Like dogs underwater. Fair play for a new approach in the face of global unapproachable odds, but no. Wouldn't hang em.

Is the black and white one a collage of two traditional (wet darkroom) prints, or a print on a single sheet, using some other compositing technique?

I've seen this sort of concept executed as a sped-up slideshow of photos from different ages, but I haven't seen composites like this before. This is special.

The word grotesque comes to mind.

Too creepy for me! Move over Diane Arbus ;)

I agree with Sven ... there is definitely a creepiness aspect to many of these photos.

Weird. Makes them look like stroke victims.

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