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Tuesday, 06 March 2012


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I am glad I got mine. It has taken up near permanent residence on my NEX-5, at least until my NEX-7 arrives.

Hah, exceeded their expectations. Sony should have marketed the Nex-3 and Nex-5 with a 24mm lens instead of the 16mm in the first place. My main reason for not buying into that system was the lack of a proper 35mm equivalent. While this 24mm fixes that problem, it's too expensive, too much. An f2.8 for a quarter the price would have sufficed.

A logical conclusion: at 1K$ the price is much too low. Sony sell at a loss while the company is in a rather weak financial position. What kind of game is Sony playing?

Interesting, - it's still in stock at B&H.

Any explanation of the mysterious non appearance of the E mount 50mm f/1.8? Promised by Amazon UK, amongst others, for early 2012, it's not even listed by them any more. Other suppliers have it for pre-order only. I do hope Sony can fix their supply issues soon.

Dave, I got my 1.8 50mm just today (Foto-Colonnaden, Hamburg, Germany). Just wonderful on the 5N.

Dave: It probably has a lot to do with the Thailand floods or the Japan Triple Disaster (earthquake, tsunami, nuclear meltdown).

I'd like to say I got tired of waiting, but really I just couldn't afford it. :) So instead I picked up a $20 Nikon to NEX adapter, and have been bringing my collection of manual focus Nikon lenses back to life on my NEX. I'm loving it!

I just got my NEX-7 and I LOVE this combo.

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