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Tuesday, 27 March 2012


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I'm in, not for much but I hope it helps, Go, Carl!

I'm in! Good Light Carl!

Unfortunately I can't help financially, but there's a really lovely Drive In Theater on Route 21 south of Ellington, MO you might want to photograph. Shoot me an email if you'd like some scouting shots of it!

Best of luck to you, Carl.

Fifty bucks for half a dozen 5x7s that I can frame along with a nice thank you note for my home theatre? Sold! Heck, even that 11x14 6 photo set is pretty darn tempting.

Great subject, we are lucky to have not one or two but three here in the twin cities area - I hope they last a long while.

Did this just get put up on kickstarter? I'm guessing this post will get it funded with ease!

What a great idea! I've seen kickstarter's for various things, but not something I think is as cool as this. Whether you're supporting a great project, or just buying a print for really cheap, sign up everyone! (I'm doing a little of both here)

I'm in as well (wish I could be in for more...), great project I wish you the best Carl!

Thanks for the heads up Mike! I enjoy helping artists I'm familiar with on Kickstarter, but I don't frequently check the site.

I'm in too... First time contributing to Kickstarter despite a variety of blandishments over the last year or so.

I should drop him a note and offer to buy him a beer if he makes it to the one down the road..

Kickstarter is amazing. I'm now supporting four projects (including this one). Two of them I'm in the agonizng engineering wait phase (they're actual physical products that have to be refined past prototype to actually make and sell).

Wish I could afford that $800 option for a private workshop! Alas, I can't afford to do too much right now, but did commit a little bit. Best of luck with the project! I know how it feels to be racing with time. I've started a project documenting the grain elevators of Eastern Colorado and I'm already finding about some elevators that I "just missed."

I'm in. I wish I had a job when his TOP offer had been running,as I really like the Drive In subject/personal project of Carl's, and the actual, you know, photos look reallllll pretty.

It looks like the project is going to fund sometime today, based on hitting 38% in about one hour. August can't come soon enough.

Also, thanks, Mike for hep'ing us to the Kickstarter project.


Thanks to everyone, the project is moving ahead with amazing speed. After just twelve hours we are around 42% of goal.

Edie, just last week I researched theaters and was surprised how many survivors there are in Missouri. I'll be sure I've got Ellington in the list.

I'm a little busy with this, but will check back here again later today. Thanks again to all.

There is a 14 screen drive in at the Swap Shop in the Fort Lauderdale, FL area. The Hunger Games is playing so the owner seems to play the latest releases. It is a popular place, kind of an institution in the area.

Maybe Carl will need a widelux.

"The reason is that theaters are being forced to make the switch to digital projection."
Like forcing everyone to shoot just digital full frame or nothing. Sad.

I'm in.
Go for it, Carl!

I guess there's no point asking Kodak for sponsorship...? OK, I'll put in a Euro or two. Just hope our German brothers don't withdraw their underwriting of the currency first.

Alright, I'm in!!

My local drive in just converted to digital. I can only assume that it's because our season here in Southern California is a bit longer than normal.


I've signed up. I hope the funding goes well above the trip cost, because there is a lot more work to be done to get a book out of it when he comes back, and I've been waiting for that book for a long time.


Alas, no PayPal option on Kickstarter. I can now only offer moral support. Best wishes Carl!

I'm broke but I'm in. The Council Bluffs picture still breaks my heart as it is now a Google server farm.
I have some nice memories from that place. Go Carl!

Near me there's a drive-in on Whidbey Island in Puget Sound. We've been several times w/ the kids. There's also an abandoned one close-by. Plenty of other photogenic stuff out here, too. Let me know if you're going to be in the area.

Chad, A year-round season would certainly make a big difference. An expense like conversion to digital projection has to be supported by cash flow, which is tough if your "year" is only six or eight months long.

Ted, there are five or six theaters in the Seattle area that show up as still active in my online research. Can you give me some more detail on these, either here or by email/links at my website?

Great thanks to Mike and to TOP readers. Support for the project came in from all over, but the stats I have access to at KS show the overwhelming portion of contacts came from right here. Thanks again to all of you.

Hi Mike,

given the interest for this project among TOP readers, what about helping an interesting kickstarter photo of your choosing by presenting it here on TOP, including an interview with the people behind it, and so on? Might be interesting to do so a couple of times per year.

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