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Friday, 30 March 2012


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Agreed! This is an especially good edition of Lenswork. And Chuck's images are exceptional.

Chuck has excellent work and is not afraid of the effort it takes to get them. When he was a news shooter he was a Pulitzer Prize finalist - and he has only gotten better since then.
His prints are very well done both technically and esthetically. He deserves the success he is having.

Just received my copy as well and congratulations Chuck. It would be my dream to be featured in such a fine magazine.

(On a side note Nick Brandt is truly amazing.)

I wonder how the iPad version of LensWork looks on the new display? Seems to me that might be a very good way to look at it.

It does look very good on the 'new iPad'. I think I would still prefer the printed version, but that costs inordinately much to ship to Europe so I changed to the DVD-ROM edition ca 3 years ago.

The iPad is perhaps even better to look at LensWork Extended (which includes colour images).

Chuck be Da Man!

It is an exceptional issue of LensWork.

I love Lenswork and all the photographers who are selected for print in the magazine. I have issues #4, #21-current. Everyone who loves photography should have Lenswork.

Thanks for all those kind words and thanks, Mike, for the mention. I sincerely appreciate it. It's easy to see the power of TOP when my Google analytics visits breaks the chart :)

Wow! I visited Chucks site and found some of the most jaw gaping beautiful images I've seen in a long time. Stunning work. Thanks for the link Mike.

I have a real passion for the west. Its such a monumental playground for natural light, silently booming in front of your eyes.

Thanks for reminding me to re-subscribe to LensWork after a rather long hiatus.

Since you mentioned Nick Brand, and since his photos of African wildlife are so spectacular, why not have Nick's photos as the next print offering.

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