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Friday, 06 January 2012


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Its Ansel, perhaps in his pianist role?

Brian Adams (no relation, alas).

Ansel Adams, right?

Ansel Adams...

YES! I was right.

Mike Johnston with a neat beard?

That's Ansel Adams.

(Didn't guess that it was a self-portrait, though.)

that's an easy one: it's Ansel Adams!

It's Ansel, with his famous broken nose... At his marriage maybe?

That's The Photographer as a young man - Ansel Adams.

Ansel Adams ?

Looks like Ansel Adams to me...I think its the crooked nose that gave him away! I suppose he was doing an Abe Lincoln impersonation....

Ansel Adams. Looking better than in any other photo I've seen of him.

I'm sorry to say that I couldn't resist the urge to cheat, so I won't say who it is, except to say that once you know, it's obvious. If you know what I mean!

Looks like a very young Ansel Adams.

Ansel Adams

OK, but then no fair laughing at our wild guesses, either. Ansel Adams?

Looks like Ansel Adams at a very young age. At least, that is my guess.

Well Mike, I guess it must be you !!! :)

Ansel Adams?

Ansel Adams?

Ansel Adams?

Instant recognition: Ansel Adams

Ansley Adams.

Ansel Adams. It appears similar to one I saw the other day taken when he was about the same age.

A youngish Ansel Adams (nose gives him away...), possibly spoofing as Abe Lincoln ;-)

Ansel Adams? The bent nose.

Ansel Adams

It's Ansel Adams and the broken nose came about when he fell over during the San Francisco earthquake when he was a boy. A very happy New Year to you Mike.

A portrait of a whimsical George Eastman as a young man?

I believe the portrait of the man wearing the top hat is non other than Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams, of course.

Why, Ansel of course!

Ansel Adams is my guess.

I'll guess a young Ansel Adams. If that's wrong, then I'll match it to your previous post an vote for George Eastman.

regards and Happy New Year!


Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams?

Ansel Adams?

Ansel Adams, of course. You can tell by the broken nose.

A. Adams

Is it you Mike, whilst at Corcoran School, and studying some old film processing techniques?

St. Ansel?

Amstel Adams

Ansel Adams!


Ansel Adams.

Looks like Ansel Adams. I'd know that crooked nose anywhere!

I'm probably totally off-base, but is it John Wilkes Booth or his brother and fellow actor Edwin Booth?

Ansel Adams

No question, it's Ansel Adams.

Ansel Adams.

Ansel Adams?

Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams appearing quite dapper.

By the busted up nose, I'd say it's Ansel Adams.

His nose reminds me of Ansel Adams.

Oh, and the beard and moustache are definitely not those of the president...

sure looks like Ansel Adams to me.

Ansel adams.

Hello Mike,
the eyes of this portrait say: Ansel Adams...

A young Ansel Adams?

Ansel Adams

A Adams

Ansel Adams by that street fighters nose.

A young Ansel Adams ?

Ansel Adams

It sure looks like Ansel Adams to me.

St. Ansel.

Sure looks like a young Ansel Adams.

Ansel Adams

None other than Ansel in gent mode.

He looks a bit like a young Ansel Adams to me.

Ansel Adams looking mighty dapper!

Ansel Adams. The bent nose is a giveaway.

change of wording:
If that isn't Ansel Adams, I'll eat my hat.


Ansel Adams.

Ansel Adams no doubt.

It's Ansel Adams.

Ansel Adams

Ok, I'll play fair and won't check on google. I'd say its Mr. Ansel Adams :)


looks a lot like Ansel Adams..

I guess is Ansel Adams.


Ansel Adams.


Ansel Adams/doing Abe Lincoln

Ansel Adams in his (relative) youth.

Ansel Adams

Seems crazy, but he looks like a young Ansel Adams to me.

I believe this man is Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams?

Ansel Adams

Looks like Ansel Adams (the eyes)...

Ansel adams...looks like him anyway

Mr. Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams

Kinda looks like Ansel Adams to me, especially in the eyes and facial structure.

Ansel Adams?

Although the era appears off this looks quite a bit like a young Ansel Adams to me.

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