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Wednesday, 07 December 2011


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That's a great museum. I stumbled into a William Eggleston exhibition when I was in town in April 2010.

Wish I could go to Chicago again on business...

Is that a sculpture of Hugh Hefner in his bathrobe? Perhaps obtained from the lobby of Playboy magazine's former HQ? (This is Chicago, after all.)

A tourist?

Mike thanks for sharing what I'm sure was a weekend you'll treasure for a long time, I'm really envious [in a good way].
It was great to see a picture of Ken Tanaka whose comments and articles I always enjoy reading,he looks like someone it's fun to spend time with.
Mike it would be great if you could learn to relax and even smile like your friends when being photographed, only kidding.

Afghanistan President Karzai?

"If I can jump over it, it ain't art."

That's brilliant. I'm totally stealing that! :)

Heston Blumenthal may have something to say about the restaurant's choice of name. The Fat Duck in Bray, Berkshire [1], England, is one of the best eateries in the world specialising in whacky "molecuar gastronomy" dishes. Snail porridge, bacon and egg ice cream and the like. They had an outbreak of norovirus last winter. which was traced back to contaminated oysters.

[1] That's pronounced Bark-shire for all you USAians. ;-)

Looks like Hamid Karzai to me.

so who is it?

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