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Tuesday, 25 October 2011


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That was really nice. Thanks.

That was excellent, both the content and the quality of the film. Made me happy.

It made me smile. Thanks

Hi Mike,

The photos of the deceased in this very interesting short, reminds me of the Swedish film you posted here on TOP called "Everlasting Moments". I tried looking for more photos from Maria's character hoping it wasn't all fictional but to no avail.

Thanks for sharing.


This was a beautiful and touching story. Apropos to nothing at all, I've been reading your blog every day for five years. It's one of the first sites I visit anytime I open a web browser. Thanks for all the hard work you put into creating this blog.

Thanks for that, Mike. Very interesting to me on several levels. One of which is that I've been shooting in Japan for the past 10 days almost exclusively with the Sony NEX 5N. I really have a love affair going with the thing after such an intense honeymoon. Am still on the move in Japan as I write, but hope to share a few with you by week's end when I return.

Second, being a former architect I am always interested to see where other architect wander after leaving the profession. It's always to something cool.

Third, we rent these photo booths at the museum for the fund-raising galas. (I don't think they're from this fellow.) They really are a blast and become instant ice-breaking centers of buzz. People of all ages piling into these things dressed in their finest to have a moment of sheer fun. It's one example where the presence of the photo process catalyzes the human experience.

Arigato, Johnston-san.

As others have said, sure put a smile on my face. Thanks.

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