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Monday, 10 October 2011


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Anyone who "was too cheerful to be really popular with the art establishment—too much affection for people; not enough surly alienation, listless ennui, and truculent anomie" deserves support. I'm in.

Strange: the reflection in the window makes it look like the photographer is holding the camera in portrait orientation, though the image is landscape. Was it cropped?

"surly alienation, listless ennui, and truculent anomie"..

What are you trying to do - discombobulate hoi polloi? (taps dottle out of pipe, adjusts tweeds)

I am more than happy to see that blog entry today. I've been an early contributor and I really hope that the project will be funded in time. I do cross my fingers. Nice to see a "big name" in the photography world to promote this project. Yes Mike, I'm talking about you. :-) Thanks!

Amen- and a few more "forgotten" street greats: Paul McDonough, Leo Levinstein, Charles Harbutt.

If he can take a horizontal photo with the camera propped vertically, he's a true magician.

"If he can take a horizontal photo with the camera propped vertically, he's a true magician."

Do you recognize the camera? I don't. And there are cameras that shoot in a native vertical format, for instance the Bronica RF645, the Fuji 645s, and many of the old Zeiss 645s of that era. Half-frame 35mm cameras also shot in a vertical orientation and had to be turned "vertically" to shoot a horizontal.


I don't recognize the camera. It looks too small to be a medium format. Maybe it is a half frame 35 mm? Or maybe the image is cropped?

Once again, Mike, you introduce me to a photographer whose name will have to go on my list of influences. Thankfully, this one is alive and I can help pass the hat. ;-)

*keeping her fingers crossed that the project meets its goal*

Camera certainly looks like some small 6x4.5 folder.

Excellent work, unfortunately too similar (cliche? ;-) ) to that of better known contemporaries. Feinstein ought to fire his gallery for making him beg for funds. It's disgraceful representation for such work. Really.

Am I the only one who think he resembles Michael Reichmann?

I was initially a little ambivalent about Kickstarter, but the more I see, the more I like. As to it's being " begging", there are tangible rewards for pledging; not unlike the TOP print sale concept, as preselling the monograph.

Here, another take on Coney Island, by the painter, Reginald Marsh: http://www.antiquephotographics.com/Format%20Types/Marsh/marshintro.htm


As a hobby nature photographer I'm more aware of Harold Feinstein's flower photography work:
These pictures had really interesting lighting, but according to some forum discussions he used an epson flatbed scanner for these project and not a photo camera.
At first I was a bit disappointed to learn this, but later on I tried to emulate the special lighting with some homemade fiber optics light modifiers. Not the same result, but something I like:



At the risk of distracting from the Kickstarter campaign, I wonder if the camera could be a half-frame Olympus Pen W or Pen S. The camera looks like it is black with a chrome rewind crank, like the cameras shown here:


The photo was taken in 1964, which is about the right time for the Pen W or Pen S, and here is a link claiming that W. Eugene Smith had praised the Olympus half-frames to Feinstein:


(Note reference back to T.O.P.!)

The suggestion of a half-frame Olympus Pen is interesting.

If you mirror flip the image you can see Feinstein is using his left eye to view find. The left hand is supporting the camera (with the big nail) and a finger from the right hand is, I presume, operating the shutter but seems quite far forward on the camera and "above" the right side of lens.

That unusual position is right were the (oddly placed and shaped) shutter button is on a Pen (see images in the link provided by Justin above).

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