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Tuesday, 27 September 2011


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That lens has lots of distortions...

When I conjure an image of heaven in my mind, it looks a lot like the photo in this post.

Mike, you might make it, but would you have gas money left over to get home?

Darn it! All those days I would be working; my schedules would make it impossible for me to swing by to Chelsea for even an hour. The upside is I am making money instead of spending it. But it would still make me wonder what sort of ink-on-dead-tree treasures I would not be adding to my library.

Mike, you could wait till very early Friday morning and make the sale, in a comfortable car or truck. Back in 1999, I began a trek to take pictures and teach a Photographers Formulary workshop out in Montana by driving from here (NYC, give or take in this context) to Janesville, WI, where I pulled in for the night at a Motel 6. I was quite pleased with myself for the non-macho idea of ending the day at 990 miles instead of turning the trip meter over. My wife's wry comment over the cell phone was, "Oh, I get it. You're getting in touch with your inner trucker."

Jeff Ladd's taste in photobooks definitely leans toward the eclectic and obscure, but his periodic 'de-accessioning' sales announcements on his blog always include real gems even for us philistines.

Probably just as well I'm stuck working straight through this weekend and can't attend. I'd end up divorced if I came home with another mountain of books.

Mike, just do it. What is so important about staying in home in Wiscosin.You want more photographic books so go and satisfy your craving.

Let's buy all of it and start a library.

Rui- that's one pretty distorted ground glass you're viewing from; all I can see are hours of perfect fascination...

I wonder what the back story is here. I certainly hope that it's not financial troubles. A worthy site that I enjoy. Hate to think that there is trouble.

@Rui Silva: Is it the lens or the shelves that is distorted? There's an awful lot of dead tree there!

See what happens when I don't read your blog for a few days..... Not quite enough time to arrange travel etc to NYC. I wonder how many book collections are sitting kind of ignored, needing a new home??

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